Search Results for: Iran


Prime Minister Netanyahu said Israel will “exact a price” against those behind the recent rocket attack on Eilat from the Sinai. While in Israel, Secretary of Defense Hagel said the United States and Israel see “exactly the same” threat from Iran. Former Foreign Minister Lieberman said he will quit politics if he is found guilty […]


Iranian agent with Canadian passport arrested in Bulgaria


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula assassinated a Yemeni intelligence officer as he traveled to his home in Mukallah. A court has begun to prosecute eight members of the crew of an Iranian vessel that was transporting arms to Yemen.


Prime Minister Netanyahu said Israel is ready to act to stop the transfer of advanced Syrian weaponry to terror groups. Secretary of Defense Hagel will arrive in Israel on April 20 for discussions on Iran and Syria. An Israeli official said Egypt was supposed to stop yesterday’s rocket attack from the Sinai, but failed. Two […]


A US drone strike fired two missiles at a Taliban training camp in South Waziristan, killing at least five people and injuring several more. One civilian was killed and 20 injured in a clash between military forces and the Taliban in Miranshah. The house of an ANP candidate was bombed in Charsadda.

United States

President Obama called the bombings at the Boston Marathon, which killed three people and injured over 175 more, a terrorist act. So far no suspects have been named, and no individual or group has claimed the attack. The Pakistani Taliban denied involvement. An envelope destined for a US Senator tested positive for the deadly poison […]


Sixteen people were killed in a bombing at an Awami National Party political rally in Peshawar. The Taliban killed four soldiers in a bombing in Miramshah in North Waziristan. Polio vaccination workers were attacked in Karachi.


IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz said the situation in the West Bank is not headed for a third Intifada. Gantz also said Israel has “the ability to deal with the dangers Iran presents to us,” and that coordination with Egypt on certain issues has improved since Mubarak’s fall.


A mysterious Iranian-run factory in Germany


European security officials are looking into the possibility that an Iranian-run factory in Dinslaken may have been supplying equipment and materials for Iran’s nuclear weapons program. Germany sent a plane to Syria to bring back over 30 Syrians wounded in the Syrian conflict to Germany for treatment.

United States

Intelligence Director James Clapper said Islamist extremist groups have influence beyond their numbers in Syria and are present “in 13 of the 14 provinces.” He predicted that sectarian strife will persist even if the Assad regime falls. The US is considering increasing its aid to the Syrian rebels. The Defense Intelligence Agency assessed that North […]


Shabaab claimed it killed five Ugandan and seven Somali troops in separate attacks in Lower Shabelle. Shabaab also publicly executed a woman in Hiran for “spying.” The government admitted its soldiers are involved in rapes of Somali women.


The Director of the Somali Islamic Scholars dodged an assassination attempt by a car bomb in Mogadishu. The state administration in Hiran said it would retake areas under Shabaab control.


Egypt suspended commercial flights from Iran after protests by Salafists. Egyptian authorities seized a variety of arms and ammunition from a weapons cache approximately three miles from the border with Israel. A second cache of weapons was discovered in central Sinai. A shipment of tear gas from the United States arrived at the Abadeya Port […]


Prime Minister Netanyahu said Israel cannot rely on anyone, not even its closest ally, to deal with the Iranian nuclear program. Authorities arrested three Islamic Jihad terrorists near Hebron. The arrest of five members of a Hamas terror cell in March was released for publication.


Rebel forces captured the Um al-Mayathen military post near the main border crossing into Jordan after heavy fighting. Jordan has doubled the size of its border security force in the last two days, saying it “can’t sit idle and watch al-Qaeda and other militants seizing control of its common border with Syria.” The Assad regime […]


Salafists attempted to storm the home of the Iranian charge d’affaires in Cairo. Authorities arrested a couple of Palestinians who had entered Egypt illegally. One entered through the smuggling tunnels with Gaza and was wanted for security-related issues. While in Sudan, President Morsi said both Egypt and Sudan face “enemies.”


Iran Seeks to Retain Influence in Palestinian Affairs


Three French jihadists from Orleans were deported to France; they had been held in Pakistan since May 28, 2012 after entering the country illegally from Iran. They were detained with al Qaeda operative Naamen Meziche, whose arrest was announced in June 2012. Pakistani officials said at the time he was likely going to Somalia, but […]


Syrian government guerrilla fighters being sent to Iran for training


The Muslim Brotherhood tweeted a video that alleges that Jews control the media in the US. Egypt reportedly called on Hamas to hand over the perpetrators of the attack last August on a Rafah military outpost. An Egyptian intelligence official denied that Egyptian authorities believe Hamas’ Ayman Nofal is tied to the attack. Salafists plan […]


The US killed nine insurgents, including “Iranian and Arab” fighters, in an airstrike in Farah. An Afghan teenager stabbed and killed a US soldier in Nangarhar. A policeman gunned down a police chief in in Faryab.


Some 30,000 protesters in Rabat on yesterday called for the downfall of the government of Islamist prime minister Abdel Ilah bin Kiran. The protest was organized by two of the largest labor unions and focused on unemployment, the economy, and human rights.


Egypt’s prosecutor-general ordered the arrest of well-known satirist Bassem Youssef for insulting President Morsi and denigrating Islam. A direct commercial flight from Cairo to Iran took place, the first in over 30 years. The US expressed concern about rising reports of sexual violence in Egypt. The results of the investigation on the attack on a […]


A high-level Israeli source warned that Iran’s nuclear weapons program is proceeding at a “murderous pace.” Israel began production at the offshore Tamar gas field, which is believed to hold 9 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. A Syrian wounded in the ongoing Syrian civil war was transferred to an Israeli hospital for treatment.


Rebels abducted and killed a pro-regime imam from the eastern Sheikh Maqsoud neighbourhood of Aleppo, then mutilated his body and dragged it through the streets. Rebels claim that order is being maintained in Raqqa, but lawlessness is increasing in some rebel-held areas, and infighting is reported between secular and jihadist factions. The opposition claims that […]