Search Results for: Pakistan


US Senator questions Pakistan’s willingness to act against Taliban


President Zardari said he imposed governor rule after Nawaz Sharif declared ‘war’ over a supreme court decision that prevents him and his brother from holding office. The Swat Taliban stopped a military convoy from entering Mingora. The Taliban beheaded a ‘US spy’ as a gift to the US president.


US aid effort under fire in Pakistan border area


The more you look, the less you see in Swat sharia deal


Taliban killed spy as gift to Barack Obama, say Pakistani police


Pakistani Army colonel ‘was involved’ in Mumbai terror attacks


Pakistan pushes US for drones


The Supreme Court ruled that the Sharif brothers are ineligible to run for office and stripped them of control of Punjab province. The Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan said it will fully support the Lashkar-e-Islam if the Army launches an operation in Khyber. The Taliban said it will dismantle checkpoints in Swat after the Army leaves.


New threat of political unrest in Pakistan


Strikes worsen Qaeda threat, Pakistan says


The military ordered a 4-day ceasefire in Bajaur while the Swat Taliban agreed to implement an indefinite ceasefire. The commander of the Frontier Corps urged NATO to seal the Afghan border. Two civilians were killed in a bombing that targeted policemen in Kohat.


Pakistan: Taliban militants declare indefinite ceasefire


A new Waziristan Taliban alliance has been formed on the orders of Osama bin Laden and Mullah Omar. The Bajaur Taliban announced a unilateral ceasefire and the military took control of a vital region. The military killed 10 Lashkar-e-Islam fighters in Khyber. A suicide bomber killed a policeman in Bannu.


Pakistan to arm village militias to fight terror


Secret US unit trains commandos in Pakistan


Pakistani Army to look into other options if Swat peace deal fails


The Taliban released a senior Swat official and his six bodyguards after kidnapping them earlier today; they were exchanged for two Taliban prisoners. The Taliban murdered a policeman in Kohat and destroyed six shops in Khyber. Four Taliban fighters were killed in Bajaur.


Pakistan to allay US fears on pact with Islamists


Taliban agree to ‘permanent ceasefire™ in Swat


A ‘permanent ceasefire™ was announced in Swat. Security forces killed eight Taliban fighters in Bajaur. The Taliban attacked a NATO fuel tanker in Khyber and killed a paramilitary officer in North Waziristan. Two suicide bombers died from premature detonation in Bannu.


Into a Taliban wasteland of blood and fear


A suicide attack on a Shia funeral procession killed 32 civilians. A bombing in Lakki Marwat killed four civilans. Baitullah Mehsud, Mullah Nazir, and Hafiz Gul Bahadar have formed and alliance to prevent outside enemies from dividing the Taliban. Security forces killed four Taliban fighters in Bajaur


US ‘troubled and confused™ about sharia deal: Holbrooke


The Fallacies of Mainstreaming ‘Jihad™


The Swat Taliban want the government to release its followers, drop all criminal charges, and withdraw the military. Jamaat-e-Islami demanded the implementation of sharia throughout all of Pakistan.Security forces killed 14 Taliban fighters in Bajaur. Punjab province ordered the closure of two facilities in Attack used by NATO supply convoys.