Search Results for: TTP


Shabaab gunmen killed 28 non-Muslims, including nine women, after ambushing a bus in Mandera near the border with Somalia. Shabaab claimed the attack, saying it was retaliation for government raids in Mombasa earlier this week. The Australian Navy intercepted a shipment of $155 million-worth of heroin off the East African coast on Nov. 17; Australian […]


The Interior Ministry now estimates that 550 people have left Germany to fight for extremist groups in Iraq and Syria, up from an estimate of 450 a few days ago. Authorities are also monitoring 230 other people who are considered possible threats in Germany.

United Kingdom

Two Londoners, Abu Abdullah al Habashi and Abu Dharda, are reported to have been killed while fighting for the Islamic State in Syria. West Midlands counterterrorism police arrested a suspected terrorist from Coventry at Heathrow Airport on Nov. 20 upon his arrival from Jordan. A powerful explosion shook a central London hotel last night, injuring […]


In a Shift, Obama Extends US Role in Afghan Combat

United States

CENTCOM said US and partner nations have carried out seven airstrikes in Syria and 23 in Iraq against the Islamic State since Nov. 19. Vice-President Biden met with Turkey’s prime minister in Ankara about the campaign against the Islamic State.


Who represents Iraqi Sunnis?


The Edmonton police chief asked for counterterrorism training for his frontline officers. The newly released annual report of Canada’s Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre indicated that 234 of 1,143 intelligence disclosures to police and security agencies this past year involved terrorist financing or threats to Canadian security.

United Kingdom

A judge ordered that extremist cleric Anjem Choudary and six other Islamist associates be allowed to preach publicly while out on bail. Ofsted found that six Muslim schools in east London are putting their students at risk of Islamic radicalization, and threatened to close the schools if changes are not implemented; the four secondary and […]

5 transferred Gitmo detainees served al Qaeda, leaked files allege

The Defense Department announced the transfer of five Guantanamo detainees yesterday. According to leaked threat assessments prepared by Joint Task Force Guantanamo, all five served al Qaeda. Four of the five were deemed either “high” or “medium to high” risks.


Tunisians Are Shaken as Young Women Turn to Extremism


5 Guantánamo Inmates Are Sent to Eastern Europe

AQIS announces death of 2 senior leaders in US operation

Adil Qudoos was a former major in the Pakistani Army; Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, planner of the 9/11 attacks, was arrested at Qudoos’ home in 2003. The second jihadist leader, Dr. Sarbaland, served as a surgeon and senior propagandist for al Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent.


Canadian military mum on CF-18 inflicted casualties


French arms shipments set to arrive in Lebanon

Islamic State

Islamic State has enough weapons to carry on fighting for 2 years, UN warns

United States

US authorities released three Guantanamo Bay detainees to Georgia, including Abdel Ghaib Ahmad Hakim, a Yemeni; the other two are Salah Mohammed Salih Al-Dhabi and Abdul Khaled Al-Baydani. The US also released two detainees to Slovakia, Hashim Bin Ali Bin Amor Sliti and Husayn Salim Muhammad Al-Mutari Yafai. Seventy-four inmates remain at Guantanamo awaiting resettlement. […]

United States

CIA considers overhaul that could be largest in agency’s history


President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud predicted that “by the first quarter of next year there will not be a territory, space, controlled by al Shabaab.” Gunmen from the terrorist organization killed a Somali-American engineer who had returned to the country to assist Mogadishu with “urban planning and drainage systems.”


Egypt arrested a Muslim Brotherhood leader who had conducted negotiations with the government. Authorities also announced the arrest of an Al Nusrah Front operative on his return from Syria.


The UN has added Ansar al Sharia to its list of terrorist organizations and imposed sanctions on the Islamist group. US officials said they are “concerned” about the Islamic State’s ties to Derna. A Libya Dawn commander was injured in fighting with pro-government forces near Gwalish.


One “terrorist” was killed in a firefight with a National Guard unit in Sidi Bouzid. Tunisia has closed part of its border with Libya due to security concerns surrounding the upcoming presidential election.