Search Results for: TTP


Russia claims Islamic State is supplying half of all Afghan heroin coming to Europe

Ahrar al Sham

Opposition fighters to form joint military command in Aleppo: rebel commander


Pentagon aims to train ‘leaner, meaner Iraqi army’


US advisers stay out of harm’s way in Iraq


Afghanistan’s heavily guarded capital remains vulnerable

United States

CENTCOM said that between Nov. 24 and Nov. 26, US aircraft targeted the Islamic State with 10 airstrikes in Syria, and that US and partner air forces launched seven airstrikes against the group in Iraq. Additional strikes were carried out yesterday in Iraq and Syria. A covert US-led special forces mission that rescued eight hostages […]


Some 900 police officers conducted raids in Vienna, Graz, and Linz after a two-year investigation into jihadist recruitment networks, arresting 13 people, including Abu Tejma, a Bosnian Serb preacher based in Vienna. The suspects are also thought to be involved in fundraising for the Islamic State. Austria’s interior ministry has said that about 150 people […]

United Kingdom

Alaa Abdullah Esayed, a 22-year-old woman from south London, was charged with disseminating terrorist literature and encouraging terrorism; she was released on bail. Zakariya Ashiq, 19, of Coventry, was charged with terrorism-related crimes following his arrest upon arrival from Jordan on Nov. 20.


How the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt created an online surge

Islamic State

Pope urges solidarity to stop aggressors in Syria and Iraq


Lebanon, France finalize $3B arms deal: report

United Kingdom

Concern about drones as number of near misses surges in recent months


Long-awaited Bekaa Valley security plan implemented


Lebanon – Long-awaited Bekaa Valley security plan implemented


US Adds Planes to Bolster Drive to Wipe Out ISIS


Shin Bet said that over 30 members of a Hamas cell in the West Bank who were plotting attacks on Jerusalem have been arrested. According to the internal security service, the cell members worked with Hamas officials in Turkey in planning to attack Jerusalem’s Teddy soccer stadium as well as the city’s light rail service, […]


Kenya’s military claims it killed 49 members of Shabaab in airstrikes on camps in Somalia; the jihadist group denied the report. Somali National Army and African Union Mission troops arrested at least 10 Shabaab fighters during an operation in the Hiran region.


A gunman killed three Egyptian soldiers, including a colonel, in northern Sinai. An Alexandria court sentenced 78 minors between the ages of 13 and 17 to prison sentences ranging from two to five years for taking part in protests organized by the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood. The Egyptian cabinet approved a draft of an antiterrorism law […]


Human Rights Watch reports that Islamic extremists are “terrorizing” citizens of Derna “through summary executions, public floggings, and other violent abuse.” The UN Security Council expressed “profound concern” for the violence in Libya. Turkey has condemned the Libyan Air Force strikes on Mitiga Airport in Tripoli; a court in the parallel government issued an arrest […]


Algeria’s justice minister announced that last month the army killed a man suspected to be involved in the September beheading of French hiker Herve Gourdel. Gourdel was killed by jihadists with Jund al-Khilafa, a group linked to the Islamic State.


The Financial Times reports “[o]ne UN peacekeeper has been killed or wounded in Mali every four days on average since the organisation’s ‘blue helmets’ operation was launched there 18 months ago.” Jihadists have begun to use IED tactics honed in Iraq and Afghanistan.


Boko Haram gunmen killed at least 20 people near Chibok, the site of the abduction of over 200 schoolgirls in April. The casualty list for the twin suicide bombings in Maiduguri on Nov. 25 has been updated to 78 people killed and 56 injured.

Al Qaeda

ISIS gaining a toehold in Libya, experts say


Iraqi forces, tribal fighters advance against ISIS in Anbar

Al Nusrah Front

How a French truck driver became a target of the US air war in Syria


IAEA says needs more money to monitor extended Iran nuclear deal