Search Results for: Iran

United States

The UN Security Council approved a resolution on the Syrian chemical weapons arsenal. President Obama spoke with Iranian president Rouhani on the telephone about Iran’s nuclear program. US officials said Iran recently hacked unclassified US Navy computers. Terrorism charges were filed against Nigerian citizen Lawal Olaniyi Babafemi for providing material support to al Qaeda in […]

United States

The five permanent Security Council members reached on agreement on Syria’s chemical weapons that would be enforceable by Chapter VII measures, including military force; the compromise agreement provides that the decision to use military force would be subject to Security Council debate. Secretary of State Kerry held talks with his Iranian counterpart. Officials said two […]


Authorities extended the detention of Nidal Amar, who killed an IDF soldier last week in the West Bank. As part of ongoing negotiations with the Palestinians, Israel announced plans to ease restrictions on Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank. A senior Israeli official said Iran is seeking to divert world attention as it progresses […]


Pentagon Contractor Used Iran for Project

Number of Gaza terror groups possess Strela 2 MANPADS

Recent photos and video from the Gaza Strip provide clear evidence that Hamas and other Palestinian terror groups are in the possession of Strela 2 (SA-7 Grail) MANPADS. Israeli officials have previously warned that Palestinian terror groups were benefiting from the looting of weapon stockpiles in Libya.


A purportedly internal Israeli document says Iran is seeking minor concessions while preserving its ability to “rush forward to produce nuclear weapons.” Authorities closed the Temple Mount in Jerusalem to visitors due to threats of rioting from Palestinian Muslims. Defense Minister Ya’alon said recent terror attacks in the West Bank should not raise fears of […]


Tunisia’s Marzouki wants Iran to help stop Syria’s ‘nightmare’

Palestinian Territories

The Palestinian Authority’s foreign minister refrained from condemning the recent killings of IDF soldiers in the West Bank. Hamas’ Qassam Brigades praised the latest attack in Hebron as a “heroic operation.” Representatives from Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran recently met and agreed to fortify the “axis of resistance.”


A suicide bomber killed two policemen and seriously injured two more in an attack outside a police headquarters in Khuchni in Dagestan. Chechnya’s interior minister said that Chechen jihadists are entering Syria via Turkey and Azerbaijan. President Putin said Russia would offer security assistance to Tajikistan along its Afghan border; he also warned that any […]


A former chemical weapons chief in the regime’s army said he had on three occasions defied orders to use chemical weapons, and claimed that the regime has already transferred some of its chemical weapons to Hezbollah in Lebanon and to Iran via Iraq. A Free Syrian Army spokesman claimed that the regime sent chemical weapons […]

United States

A district court judge accepted the guilty plea of former Pfc. Eric Harroun to the lesser charge of conspiring to violate arms-control laws and sentenced him to time served. Harroun, who has admitted to fighting with the al Qaeda-affiliated Al Nusrah Front in Syria, had also been accused of providing material support to a foreign […]


Danish-Iranian artist convicted of racism


A Shin Bet assessment warned that Israeli Arabs fighting in Syria are joining al Qaeda-linked groups and could be used to attack Israel. A resident of Majdal Shams is reported to have recently traveled to Syria to fight in the country’s civil war. Strategic Affairs Minister Yuval Steinitz warned that Iran is currently on pace […]

United States

Navy Secretary Mabus ordered security reviews for all Navy and Marine Corps bases and installations in the US, following the massacre at the DC Navy Yard yesterday; Defense Secretary Hagel plans to order security reviews for all Defense Dept. installations. A Defense Dept. audit said recent cost cuts have led to significant security lapses in […]


The pilot of a Syrian helicopter shot down over Latakia by a Turkish warplane may have been killed. The Syrian military said the helicopter had mistakenly crossed over into Turkish airspace while looking for infiltrating rebels. A car bomb exploded on the Syrian side of the Bab al-Hawa border crossing with Turkey in Idlib, injuring […]


Prime Minister Netanyahu is expected to meet with President Obama in Washington for talks that will likely center on Iran’s nuclear program. The outgoing Israeli ambassador to the US said Israel has “always wanted Bashar Assad to go.” At least 22 communities near the country’s northern and southern borders will no longer receive army security […]

United States

Intelligence Sources: Rohani Prepared to Shut Down Nuclear Site


A top Israeli intelligence official said Israel has been “absolutely certain” for many months that the Assad regime has been using chemical weapons in Syria. A new report suggests that Iran ceased its production of nuclear warheads in 2004.


Videos show Iranian officers supervising Syrian soldiers


Iran’s assets in Canada include more than $2.6-million held in 13 different bank accounts, Ottawa reveals


Hezbollah, Iran and Syria prepare for counterattack

United States

The US evacuated some embassy staff in Beirut, Lebanon yesterday and urged Americans to avoid travel to Lebanon and to southern Turkey. President Obama returned from the G-20 summit without having persuaded a majority of the countries’ leaders to back the proposed military intervention in Syria. The Treasury Department imposed sanctions on several individuals and […]


US sees no sign Iran is addressing concerns on nuclear program


The government offered a reward for the capture of any “non-Syrian terrorist,” and promised that amnesty would be offered to rebels who informed on their comrades. Syrian troops and tanks took up positions outside the ancient Christian village of Maaloula, which was stormed by the Al Nusrah Front and Free Syrian Army troops earlier this […]

United States

President Obama has asked the Pentagon to expand the list of potential targets for the proposed Syrian military intervention; the use of Air Force bombers is now being contemplated. The administration continued to lobby lawmakers to support the proposed strikes. US officials said they intercepted a message from the head of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Qods […]


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant reportedly beheaded two men near al-Dweiraniya in Aleppo in late August. The Al Nusrah Front and allied jihadists seized an army checkpoint today outside the ancient Christian town of Maalula after attacking the checkpoint with a suicide bombing. ISIL, the Al Nusrah Front, and “some rebel factions” […]