Search Results for: Islamic Jihad Union

The Gitmo Files: Fazul Mohammed continued to seek bin Laden’s direction

Abdullahi-Sudi-Arale.jpgLeaked Guantanamo threat assessments highlight Osama bin Laden’s influence over East Africa al Qaeda (EAAQ) and its leader, the recently slain Fazul Mohammed. The files also contain striking details about the ties between EAAQ and Somalia’s Islamic Courts Union, the predecessor of Shabaab.

Aweys: Shabaab recruits ‘underage children to fight for us’

It isn’t every day that you get a terrorist leader to freely admit what an awful human he really is. Late last week, Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys, a Shabaab commander and Specially Designated Global Terrorist with links to al Qaeda, proudly told how his organization recruits children to wage jihad. From Garowe: “We recruit underage […]

Shabaab executes deputy intel chief for ‘spying’ for US

Shabaab executed the group’s deputy intelligence chief yesterday after accusing him of spying for the US. has the story: Somalia’s extremist group of Al Shabaab has executed their intelligence chief’s deputy, accusing him of spying for FBI amid mounting disputes to suppress civilian harassments between the group’s leaders.. Ahmed Ali Hussein, known as Ahmed […]

Full text of Mullah Omar’s statement

Mullah Mohammed Omar, the Amir al Mumineen (“the commander of the faithful”) of the Afghan and Pakistani Taliban. Below is the full text of Taliban leader Mullah Omar’s statement. The Voice of Jihad website often switches URLs after being hacked or taken offline, so the statement is republished below for when this eventually happens. To […]

Reflections on Osama bin Laden, and his continuing relevance

Earlier today, I did a rather lengthy written interview with a journalist from an online Romanian newspaper. In light of the new tapes Osama bin Laden released last month, he put a number of questions to me about the al Qaeda leader. I thought the following, adapted from the interview but maintaining its Q&A format, […]

Critical questions regarding the role of foreign fighters in Shabaab

Earlier today I served as a panelist at the Foreign Policy Research Institute’s annual conference on foreign fighters, discussing the phenomenon in Somalia. The panel discussion was based around Ambassador (ret.) David Shinn’s forthcoming paper on foreign fighters in Somalia; since it is still a work in progress, the paper is not yet available online. […]

Is ‘constructive disengagement’ the solution in Somalia?

On Thursday, Joshua Foust published an article at PBS’s Need to Know that, though avoiding the term “constructive disengagement,” mirrors the arguments advanced by Bronwyn Bruton’s report for CFR, and those made by Fareed Zakaria in the wake of the bombings al Shabaab executed in Uganda. Though constructive disengagement is often advanced as a minor-league […]

Father of Taliban endorses LWJ

The Long War Journal has received a compliment from one of the most unlikely sources. General (Retired) Mirza Aslam Beg, Pakistan’s Chief of Army Staff from 1988-1991, said that the depiction of the Taliban provided by The Long War Journal is spot on. Here is what General Beg had to say in his column, which […]


A leading Somali cleric declared that Shabaab and Hizbul Islam’s fight against the government is un-Islamic and not legitimate jihad, and the groups should negotiate a solution. The African Union called for a no-fly zone over Somalia and blocking the nation’s ports. More than 2,500 Somali military recruits are stranded in Kenya.

Taliban ♥ free speech

Were you aware that the Taliban are staunch defenders of freedom of speech and the press? Don’t believe, me just read the Taliban’s latest statement on the Afghan government’s proposed restrictions on press coverage of Taliban attacks. The statement, originally published at The Voice of Jihad, the Taliban’s website, and reprinted below, is a curious […]

The strategic challenge of Somalia’s al Shabaab

Aden Hashi Ayro, the deceased leader of al Qaeda-linked Shabaab, the terrorist youth movement of Somalia’s Islamic Courts Union. Photo from IntelCenter Over the past several years, an ongoing lack of internal order has left Somalia vulnerable to the rise of hard-line Islamist groups, of which the latest is al Shabaab (“the youth”), which has […]