Search Results for: TTP


ISIS reportedly destroys at least 6 border control stations on Jordan-Iraq border


Lebanese increasingly chasing second nationality as backup


40% of Anbar’s cities in ruins: Iraqi official


Home Minister Singh announced that the government has banned the Islamic State terrorist group. Police are investigating the likelihood that Mehdi Masroor Biswas, who was arrested for running a prominent pro-ISIS Twitter account, has links to Islamic State operatives. The Intelligence Bureau warned of the possibility of lone-wolf terrorist attacks.


US Seeks to Use Letters Found in Bin Laden Raid in Terrorism Trial


IS threat led to closure of Western embassies in Egypt


In Sydney Hostage Siege, Australia’s New Anti-Terrorism Measures Proved Ineffective


Turkey’s Religious Schools Rise as Erdogan Exerts Sway


The Al Nusrah Front, Ahrar al Sham, and elements of the Free Syrian Army have taken two key regime bases in Idlib province. Al Nusrah has used an American TOW anti-tank missile against regime forces. The US-led coalition has conducted nine airstrikes in Syria since Dec. 13; eight of them “destroyed nine ISIL fighting positions, […]


During raids in Barcelona, Ceuta, Melilla, and the Moroccan municipality of Castillejos, Spanish and Moroccan police arrested seven people, including four women and a minor, suspected of links to an lslamic State recruitment network that sent women to Iraq and Syria. Two of the female suspects were allegedly about to join the Islamic State. Authorities […]


Defense Minister LeDrian said France is willing to coordinate a regional task force in Africa to confront Boko Haram; the 2,800-strong force was pledged by regional powers in July but has not yet materialized. He urged greater cooperation among African nations on security matters. He also noted that jihadists driven from Mali have regrouped in […]

United Kingdom

Ismail Abdulrahman, Muktar Said Ibrahim, Yassin Omar, and Ramzi Mohammed, who were sentenced to life in prison for an al Qaeda plot to attack London transport on July 21, 2005, two weeks after the deadly July 7 subway bombings, lost their appeals to the European Court of Human Rights. Two men from Luton were arrested […]

United States

Since Dec. 10, the US has conducted 16 airstrikes against the Islamic State in Syria, and the US and partners have carried out 29 airstrikes against the group in Iraq. President Obama told US troops: “The time of deploying large ground forces with big military footprints to engage in nation building overseas, that’s coming to […]


Operation Enduring Freedom: A look back in photos


Sydney siege over: Lindt cafe gunman forces hostages to appear in videos


Attacking ISIS, From an American Aircraft Carrier


US asks Vatican for help with Guantanamo inmates


Police stormed a cafe in downtown Sydney where Man Haron Monis, an Iranian self-styled cleric and known criminal, was holding hostages for 16 hours after forcing them to display an Islamist flag at the cafe window. Monis and two hostages were killed and a number of hostages were injured; others managed to escape. During the […]


Suspected Shabaab fighters attacked the military base of the African Union Mission in Somalia in Mogadishu with mortars on Dec. 14; nearly 200 suspected members of the jihadist group were detained throughout the city earlier that day. Shabaab has conducted five beheadings in Somalia over the past week.


Egypt’s head prosecutor referred 439 “hard-liners” to military tribunals over violence that occurred last year after protests were broken up. Two policemen were killed in a drive-by shooting in the town of El Arish in the Sinai. At least 10 jihadists were killed and one vehicle destroyed in a government air strike on militant hideouts […]


Anti-government forces with Libya Dawn attacked al-Hilal, a major oil region, causing the shutdown of one oil export port and threatening another. Pro-government forces under General Khalifa Hafter and Libya Dawn are fighting over the Ras Jdir border crossing, the main crossing into Tunisia. Hafter’s forces claimed to have seized “the western Bokmash area and […]


The Malian government announced that it traded four prisoners to AQIM to obtain the release of French hostage Serge Lazarevic last week. France’s defense minister said that “nearly 200 terrorists have been neutralized” by French forces in the Sahel region over the past year.


Tunisia closed its border crossing at Ras Gdair on Dec. 15 as fighting raged between pro-government forces and Islamist militias in Libya. The closing follows another air strike by the Libyan Army near the border on Dec. 14.


During raids in Toulouse, Paris, Bordeaux, and Normandy, antiterrorism police arrested at least 10 suspected members of a jihadist recruiting network, as part of an investigation begun in late 2013. Among those arrested were two prison inmates and a woman. The number of French jihadists traveling to Syria has risen at least 80 percent this […]