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Israel faces winter storm, Houthi threats  

Israeli infantry and armored units continued to isolate Gaza City on November 17-19, pushing into Jabalya and Zaytun neighborhoods. Israel also faced a winter storm that lashed the Golan with its first snow and will require troops to be kitted out with gear for the cold months ahead. The IDF released new footage obtained from Shifa hospital showing hostages transported to the hospital by Hamas on October 7.

Israeli forces take control of Gaza’s harbor

Israel took control of the harbor of Gaza on Thursday, November 16. This important achievement represents another phase in dismantling the Hamas terrorist infrastructure and brings Israeli forces along the coast closer together to complete the encirclement of Gaza. Operations in Shifa hospital also continued and the body of an Israeli hostage was found in Gaza.

Shifa hospital the focus of IDF ground operations in Gaza

Israel’s IDF began its first operation inside the Shifa hospital compound in Gaza. The hospital is a suspected command and control post for Hamas. Weapons were found and there was a brief battle with terrorists outside the hospital grounds. In addition other Israeli ground forces continued operations in neighborhoods near Gaza city.

Hostages at center of Israel’s focus

Israeli forces took over several Hamas-run government buildings in Gaza on November 14. An Israeli hostage was confirmed killed in Gaza. She was one of several soldiers taken hostage by Hamas at an observation post during the October 7 Hamas terrorist attack. Attacks targeted Israel’s southern city of Eilat and Hezbollah attacked Israel from Lebanon.

Generation Jihad Ep. 115 — Israel at War: November 13, 2023

Bill and Joe are back for an update on Israel’s ground incursion into Gaza, and they’re again joined by their FDD colleague and Iran expert Behnam Ben Taleblu to provide a deeper, more nuanced analysis on Tehran’s role as puppet master to the various terrorist groups in play.

Israel acknowledges fight on a third front: Mounting diplomatic pressure

Hezbollah attacks on Israel increased on Monday, November 13. Israeli leaders stressed that they want to continue concentrating on defeating Hamas in Gaza. Israel carried out naval operations, and tanks battled terrorists in Gaza as IDF forces press slowly forward into urban areas around Gaza City. One Israeli was killed, and several wounded in the north by Hezbollah attacks.

Gaza hospitals and Nasrallah threats challenge IDF

Israel’s air force has struck more than 5,000 targets in two weeks of ground operations, the IDF said on November 12. Hezbollah continues to threaten Israel in the north, carrying out attacks deeper into Israel and wounding soldiers and civilians.

Generation Jihad Ep. 114 —  Israel at War: November 9, 2023

Bill and Joe are back with an update on Israel’s ground offensive inside Gaza. They’re joined by FDD’s David May to discuss international pressure on Israel, trajectories and timelines, rumors about reporters from western outlets receiving tips and then traveling into Israel alongside Hamas on October 7, and more.

IDF has destroyed 130 Hamas tunnels in Gaza while establishing a civilian corridor to safety

The IDF continues to operate in sectors around Gaza City as it attempted to root out terrorist infrastructure on Wednesday, November 8. This included demolishing and blowing up tunnels used by Hamas. In addition the IDF opened a corridor along a main road for civilians to flee south. The twin challenges of dismantling tunnels and enabling civilians to flee is increasingly part of the ground operation as troops settle into their areas of operation.

Houthis shoot down U.S. MQ-9 Reaper off Yemeni coast

The Iran-backed militia in Yemen that is better known as the Houthis shot down an unmanned U.S. MQ-9 Reaper in international waters off the coast of Yemen. The Houthis have shot down four U.S. Reapers since 2017.

Israel celebrates breaching ground Hamas didn’t foresee as war enters second month

Israel’s three key political leaders during the war, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and Benny Gantz, who joined the “War Cabinet” after the October 7 Hamas attack, gave speeches to commemorate one month since the Hamas attack on Israel. Rockets continued to be fired at central Israel and Hezbollah also attacked in the north.

Generation Jihad Ep. 113 — Israel at War: November 7, 2023

Bill and Joe are back to discuss the latest from Israel’s ground offensive in Gaza, including the established civilian corridor. They talk about Netanyahu’s recent remarks — and Nasrallah’s. They also debunk the latest “attempted Abbas assassination” rumors.

Israel enters new phase of war with Gaza City now encircled

Israel’s ground operations in Gaza entered their second week on Monday, October 6. With IDF units now astride the Gaza Strip, encircling Gaza City, the two divisions the IDF has in Gaza can settle into their operational areas and begin to uncover Hamas terrorist infrastructure.

IDF suffers increased casualties amid urban Gaza battles 

Israel has suffered more than a dozen casualties in the last two days as infantry presses into urban areas near Gaza City. At the same time the Israel Air Force and navy work closely together to target Hamas terrorists. Israel’s Defense Minister warned Hezbollah and other groups in the region not to threaten Israel, while saying Israel is focused on victory in Gaza.

Generation Jihad Ep. 112 — Israel at War: November 1, 2023

Bill and Joe provide a mid-week update on Israel and Gaza — including Joe’s key takeaway from today’s IDF conference call, IDF tactics on the ground inside Gaza (particularly related to the tunnels), Hezbollah propaganda ahead of Hassan Nasrallah’s Friday speech, and more. 

As battle in Gaza grows, Israel faces multi-front threats

Israel’s infantry pushed deeper into Gaza on October 31, encountering resistance and also taking a key Hamas bastion. As Israel carried out airstrikes on Hamas commanders, the Iran-backed Houthis fired a ballistic missile towards Eilat. It was intercepted. In the north Hezbollah continued anti-tank fire.

Iran-backed militias continue to attack U.S. bases in Iraq and Syria

Iran’s militias in Iraq and Syria have launched at least 24 strikes, primarily with drones, rockets, and mortars on U.S. military bases since Oct. 17. Five of the attacks took place after the U.S. military struck IRGC weapons depots in Syria in a failed effort to reestablish deterrence.