Search Results for: TTP


Islamists slam Kuwaiti lawmaker for call to allow dancing, alcohol

United States

The US and partner nations have carried out 10 airstrikes in Syria and two in Iraq against the Islamic State since yesterday morning. The Assad regime accused US Senator John McCain of entering Syria illegally in June 2013 and meeting “with terrorist groups, including leaders of the Nusrah Front.” The US promised to give 250 […]

North Korea

US sanctions seen as warning to nations backing cyberattacks

North Korea

South Korea: North Korea has cyber army of 6,000

Boko Haram

Nigerian governors facing Boko Haram request more troops before election


A female suicide bomber detonated at a police station in downtown Istanbul, killing one policeman and wounding another; the attack came less than a week after the DHKP-C (Revolutionary People’s Liberation Party-Front) threw a grenade at police near the prime minister’s office and threatened further attacks. A Dutch journalist was arrested on terrorism charges but […]


A policeman was killed as he attempted to defuse a bomb placed near a gas station in Cairo. Terrorists killed two policemen guarding a Coptic church south of Cairo. President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi called for a “religious revolution” and reformation of aggressive interpretations of Islam in a speech made to a gathering of Egypt’s leading […]


Turkish Airlines became the last international carrier to halt flights into Libya, ending its service to Misrata Airport. Thirteen Coptic Christians were freed after having been kidnapped on Jan. 3. Libya’s internationally recognized government banned Palestinians, Syrians, and Sudanese citizens from entering the country due to security fears; the government claimed responsibility and apologized for […]


The prime minister said he would support “a UN-supervised counter-terrorism operation by Mediterranean countries” to intervene in neighboring Libya. A blogger has been sentenced by a military tribunal to three years in prison on charges of criticizing the military.


Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb claimed responsibility for the assault on an army base in Nampala yesterday. Casualty figures from the attack have been updated to “at least eight dead.”

United Kingdom

A 32-year-old man was arrested by counterterrorism police in Stratford, east London, after being detained yesterday for possession of an offensive weapon. Scotland Yard warned owners of unarmed drones to avoid flying them in restricted areas, such as around landmarks. The websites of a school and a church in North Yorkshire were hacked by Islamic […]


Smaller NATO mission has big job to train Afghan army in time

United States

The US and partner nations have carried out 14 airstrikes in Syria and six in Iraq against the Islamic State since yesterday morning. The US military is considering whether to provide protective upgrades for the Iraqi Army’s 140-plus tanks. In response to a recent suggestion by Afghanistan’s president that the timeline for the US military’s […]


US troops training Iraqi military at bases in Anbar, Taji


Yemen’s oil and gas in danger: Ma’rib governor


Turkey’s new legal definitions lead to increase in arrests

Al Qaeda

Saudis Report Deadly Border Clash With Infiltrators From Iraq

US Military

US Drone Fleet at ‘Breaking Point,’ Air Force Says

The Islamic State’s curious cover story

The cover story of the Islamic State’s recently released issue of Dabiq, an English-language magazine, is written by an alleged al Qaeda defector known as Abu Jarir ash-Shamali. The group has been trying to win over al Qaeda’s and the Taliban’s supporters, but Shamali’s piece criticizes Osama bin Laden’s jihadist legacy and the Taliban. Shamali also provides new details about how al Qaeda is currently structured.


The US-led coalition conducted six airstrikes near Kobane on Jan. 4. At least 12 regime soldiers were killed during an attack on their camp in Aleppo. The Western-backed National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces has elected a new presidential committee. Lebanon has begun restricting the flow of refugees from Syria. A Turkish soldier […]


A senior Foreign Ministry official said that an agreement with the US is expected to be reached this month on the training and equipping of Syrian rebels in Turkey. Negotiations continue over the nature of the rebels to be trained, the use of İncirlik airbase for coalition operations, and the creation of a no-fly zone […]


At least five people were killed and another three wounded in a car bomb attack on a Somali Special Forces unit in Mogadishu on Jan. 4. Shabaab has claimed responsibility for the attack. Djiboutian peacekeepers will be deployed to central Somalia to monitor an upcoming state election.


A bomb blast in north Sinai injured at least five people, including two policemen. Egypt has started expanding its buffer zone with Gaza, a plan that calls for the destruction of about 1,200 residences. One civilian was killed and three policemen were injured when gunmen attacked a police checkpoint in Cairo.


Unidentified aircraft bombed a Greek oil tanker docked in the port of Islamist-held Derna, killing two crew members. The UN has delayed peace talks aimed at reconciling the warring parallel governments. Pro-government forces launched new airstrikes on Misrata and separately attacked Islamists who have been attempting to seize the Es Sider oil port. Islamic State-affiliated […]


An off-duty policeman was stabbed to death by suspected jihadists in the capital of Tunis on Jan. 4. A former official with the country’s past dictatorship was named prime minister by the newly elected president and asked to form a government.


Jihadists attacked an army camp n the town of Nampala in central Mali, killing two soldiers and routing the rest of the military force; at least five people were killed. Six UN peacekeepers were wounded when their vehicle hit a roadside bomb in northern Mali on Jan. 4. The mayor of Anderaboucane in Gao and […]


Former Syrian jihadist Jejoen Bontinck, a defendant and witness in an ongoing trial against Sharia4Belgium, was arrested at the airport in Brussels as he was attempting to fly to Turkey with his girlfriend. Interior Minister Jambon said Belgium is planning to launch a deradicalization program to discourage would-be jihadists, after being asked to do so […]