Search Results for: TTP


Islamist militants killed a civilian and set fire to the town hall during an assault on the village of Djoura in central Mali. The country’s foreign minister appealed for international intervention in Libya to stabilize the neighboring country and stem the spread of terrorism in the region.


Nigeria ranked first in a list of nations where “Christians [are] confirmed to have been killed for faith-related reasons;” according to the Christian advocacy group Open Doors, 2,484 Christians were targeted and killed in the country in 2014. Nigeria has taken delivery of two Mi-24 “Super Hinds” purchased from a South African company. This purchase […]


A manhunt continued for two brothers, Cherif Kouachi, 32, and Said, 34, who are key suspects in yesterday’s terrorist attack on Charlie Hebdo magazine in Paris. Last night, Said Mouref, 18, said to be a relative of the Kouachi brothers, surrendered to police in a village near the Belgian border. Security forces have detained nine […]


Federal prosecutors charged a 36-year-old German man and a 27-year-old Turkish citizen with belonging to Junud al Sham, a foreign terror group in Syria. The two had traveled to Syria in 2013, trained with the group, and fought there. Justice Minister Heiko Maas called the terrorist attack against a magazine in Paris “an attack against […]

Islamic State

Islamic State crisis: Religious police ‘kidnapped’ in Syria

Caucasus Emirate

Chechen Leader Kadyrov Doesn’t Consider IS A Threat To Russia

United States

The Pentagon said US-led coalition airstrikes on the Islamic State have hit 3,222 targets in Iraq and Syria since August, and that the total number of airstrikes since Aug. 8 is 1,676. President Obama condemned the terrorist attack on a satirical magazine in Paris and offered US assistance to French authorities.

Islamic State

UN: ISIS depriving 670,000 Syrian children of education


Iraqi PM pledges to liberate Iraq as ISIS launch major Anbar assault


Terror Expert Louise Shelley: ‘Islamic State Is a Diversified Criminal Operation’


Authorities are on high alert and security has been stepped up after a terrorist attack by Islamist gunmen on the Paris office of Charlie Hebdo, a satirical magazine, that left at least 12 people dead, including two policemen; some 20 others were wounded. The attackers escaped, and officials are reportedly looking for three gunmen. A […]


Police arrested eight people suspected of throwing petrol bombs last night at a police station in the Laken area of Brussels. Prime Minister Michel ordered a security review in the wake of today’s terrorist attack in Paris. A hospital in Antwerp province is purchasing bulletproof vests for its ambulance staff to protect them from “an […]


Authorities raised the security threat level to three on a scale of four after suspicious packages were delivered to the offices of several Spanish media organizations. Offices were evacuated and the packages were examined before workers were allowed back into the buildings. The US is seeking to station an elite Marine group permanently at an […]


While several Muslim organizations in Denmark condemned today’s terrorist attack in Paris, Abu Ubaydillah, the head of Kaldat til Islam, expressed approval of the attack. Prime Minister Thorning-Schmidt said “all options” must be considered in response to extremism. A Danish newspaper that was previously attacked by Islamists adopted heightened security measures.


Lars Viks, a Swedish cartoonist who has been targeted for death by Islamist extremists, including al Qaeda, urged the media to avoid succumbing to self-censorship, which he said has led to the current situation “in which satirical pictures with motifs related to Islam are already censored in most media.” Swedish citizen and nightclub owner Paul […]


Al Qaeda-linked cleric Mullah Krekar is slated for release from prison on Jan. 25, after serving time for issuing death threats against Prime Minister Solberg and several other people. Norwegian intelligence has sought to expel him, considering his Ansar al Islam group a threat to Norway, but he cannot be extradited to Iraq as he […]

United Kingdom

Counterterrorism police in east Sussex arrested a 40-year-old man in Crawley on suspicion of involvement in terrorism overseas. Police said the man did not present an immediate threat to the UK and that the arrest was part of an ongoing investigation.

Al Nusrah Front

ISIS, Al Nusrah militants number 3,000 on Lebanon-Syria border: report


World losing capacity to prevent conflict: UN refugee chief


Islamic State book burnings target minorities


Kurdish fighters killed 41 Islamic State militants in a clash near Kobane, according to SOHR. Islamic State fighters reportedly beheaded a street magician in Raqqa for un-Islamic behavior. A senior Islamic State policeman responsible for many executions and beheadings was himself found beheaded in al-Mayadeen city in Deir-al-Zor province. The US-backed plan to train moderate […]


Twenty Shabaab fighters were killed and 29 others wounded by Puntland Defence Forces when the jihadists attacked military bases in Galgala in northern Somalia. Five Puntland soldiers were also killed, and senior Shabaab leader including Mukhtar Abdinur Ahmed was captured in the assault. One security guard was killed and seven Kenyan teachers were wounded when […]


Hezbollah admits ‘major infiltrations’ by foreign spy agencies