Search Results for: TTP


Charlie Hebdo cartoon prompts restraint call in UK

United Kingdom

The lawyer for Shaker Aamer, a Saudi detainee at Guantanamo Bay who is married to a Briton, claimed that Prime Minister Cameron said he will ask President Obama to release Aamer. Home Secretary May urged Parliament to pass legislation that would allow security services controlled access to Internet data so as to deny terrorists a […]


Authorities in Shanghai arrested 10 Turkish nationals accused of providing fake passports to suspected Uighur terrorists who were trying to leave China. Nine Uighurs suspected of terrorist activity were also arrested; some allegedly confessed to plans to travel to Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Syria.

Boko Haram continues to slaughter Nigerians

Boko Haram has continued its murderous rampage against civilians and security personnel. While concentrated in northeastern Nigeria, the group’s recent attacks have also targeted Cameroon and its security apparatus.


Mentor of Charlie Hebdo gunmen has been UK-based


Islam’s Problem With Blasphemy


Suicide bomber in Saudi border attack recruited family members to join ISIS: source


Shiite leaders forbid insults against Sunnis

Al Nusrah Front

Jabhat al-Nusra tank commander sees little alternative to group


Meet the shadowy figure recruiting for the Islamic State in Afghanistan

United States

CENTCOM reported that the US and partner nations have conducted seven airstrikes in Iraq and four in Syria against the Islamic State since yesterday morning. Gen. Austin, the commander of CENTCOM, said that the hackers who briefly took over its Twitter and YouTube accounts yesterday did not compromise the CENTCOM network or obtain classified information; […]


A court overturned the embezzlement convictions of former President Hosni Mubarak and his two sons. Egypt’s Grand Mufti, who had previously condemned the terrorist attacks in Paris, warned the magazine Charlie Hebdo about publishing its latest caricature of Mohammad, calling it an “unwarranted provocation” of Muslims. A police captain was found dead in North Sinai, […]


Jihadists allied with the Islamic State claimed they are holding 21 Egyptian Christians captured near Tripoli. Islamist factions have postponed an announcement of whether they will attend UN-sponsored peace talks until Jan. 18. A suicide bombing at a checkpoint near Benghazi killed three Libyan soldiers and wounded two others. Internationally-recognized Prime Minister Abdullah al Thani […]


Police reportedly arrested two “terror suspects” in the city of Gafsa and broke up a “terror cell in Medjez El Bab (Beja province) that was planning attacks on public facilities, police and army forces.” The Tunisian National Army launched counterterrorism operations in Forsane and the Mount Ouergha areas.


The Nigerian government refuted reports of 2,000 dead after Boko Haram attacked the town of Baga, stating that up to 150 people were killed. A bomb detonated near a checkpoint in Gombe, killing one person and wounding about 18; the bomber was caught and killed by an angry mob, according to a local source. The […]


The army claimed to have killed 143 Boko Haram fighters among a group of “several hundred” yesterday who had attacked the Kolofata base near the Nigerian border. The military also reported that one of its officers was killed and four soldiers were wounded in the battle. Communications Minister Bakary said it was the largest loss […]

Islamic State uses a child to execute alleged Russian spies

In a new propaganda film released by the Islamic State, two alleged spies for the Russian Federal Security Service are executed by a child. This boy, who is an ethnic Kazakh, was previously featured in another Islamic State propaganda film.


Bulgarian police acting on European arrest warrants detained French citizen Fritz-Joly Joachin, who is of Haitian origin, as he was trying to cross over into Turkey from Bulgaria. Joachin reportedly had contacts with Cherif Kouachi, one of the twin brothers suspected in last week’s terrorist attack in Paris, shortly before leaving France for Turkey. A […]


Prime Minister Valls told Parliament that the country is at war with “terrorism, jihadism and radicalism” but emphasized that “France is not at war against Islam and Muslims.” The forthcoming issue of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, targeted by Islamic extremists in a deadly attack last week, will feature a cartoon of the Prophet Mohammed […]


Islamic State ‘recruiting Afghan fighters’


Police killed six people in Xinjiang yesterday, five of whom had explosives strapped to their bodies, and a sixth who reportedly attacked police with an axe. The Xinjiang legislature plans to begin enforcing a ban on burqas in Urumqi, the regional capital; most of Xinjiang’s 22 million residents are Muslim. Last week the Chinese government […]

Pakistani Taliban splinter group again pledges allegiance to Islamic State

A Pakistani Taliban splinter group released a nearly 17-minute video again pledging its allegiance to the Islamic State. The group primarily consists of low to mid-level former Pakistani Taliban officials from Khyber, Arakzai, Bajaur, Hangu, and Dir in Pakistan, and from Kunar, Logar, and Nangarhar in Afghanistan.


Jewish schools tense after Paris attacks

Boko Haram

Boko Haram crisis: Why it is hard to know the truth in Nigeria

Haqqani Network

Kerry holds security talks in Pakistan after school massacre


Iran eclipses US as Iraq’s ally in fight against militants