Search Results for: Islamic Jihad Union

Saudi satellite operator drops Hezbollah channel from airwaves

The role of terrorist-backed media has emerged as an area of concern not only in the West but across the Middle East as an increasing number of individuals are incited to violence by these outlets. Saudi Arabia is the latest country to shut down Al-Manar.

12 Ugandan troops killed as Shabaab assaults base in Somalia

The Ugandan military confirmed that 12 of its troops were killed after the al Qaeda branch assault a base in Janale near the capital of Mogadishu. Shabaab had claimed fighters from its Sheikh Abu Zubayr Battalion killed 50 troops while overrunning the facility.

Taliban laud Mullah Omar in ‘biography’

“Mullah Mohammad Umar ‘Mujahid’ is still the leader in the present hierarchy of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan,” the Taliban stated in a hagiography of its emir.

Austria’s radical Islam problem

The small Alpine country has become an extremist hub, where Hamas enjoys support, Iranian intelligence maintains a significant presence, and jihadist groups such as the Islamic State are drawing members and planning attacks.


A Belgian news report said authorities have foiled several terrorist attacks in Belgium and arrested a number of suspects who had returned from fighting with the Islamic State in Syria. While up to 400 Belgians are reported to have gone to Syria to join the IS, the actual number is thought to be higher, and […]

United Kingdom

British ambassador Peter Westmacott warned that among the 70 UK jihadists arrested after returning to Britain, a number were carrying “very specific” instructions for terrorist missions in the UK. British intelligence is coming close to identifying the Islamic State jihadist who beheaded American journalist James Foley; among those being investigated is UK rapper-turned-jihadist Abdel Majed […]

United Kingdom

Foreign Secretary Hammond said the Islamic State jihadist whose videotaped murder of US journalist James Foley was published yesterday appears to be British, and warned that “there are a significant number of British nationals in Syria and Iraq operating with extremist organisations” and accordingly the Islamic State presents “a direct threat to the UK’s national […]


Lebanese Army chief Gen. Kahwagi said as many as 20 of the soldiers kidnapped by Islamists in Arsal are missing and possibly dead; 17 other security personnel were also taken captive. Former Free Syrian Army spokesman Ahmad al Qusair, the go-between in contacts of the Muslim Scholars Committee and the militants, said negotiations for the […]

The Muslim Scholars Committee and the Lebanese tinderbox

A group of Lebanese clerics with links to Islamist groups mediated a ceasefire between the Lebanese military and fighters from the Islamic Front and the Al Nusrah Front in Arsal, which let as many as 2,000 Islamist fighters escape with over captive 35 Lebanese security forces.


A Kazakh national and two Kyrgyz citizens who recently returned from fighting in Syria have been arrested in the southern region of Osh on terrorism charges. Authorities say the three men had been dispatched from Syria by the Union of Islamic Jihad (IJU) to conduct terrorist activity in Kyrgyzstan.