Search Results for: TTP


Lebanese Army thwarts more suicide bomb plots

Belgian authorities launch counterterrorism raids, killing 2

Belgian authorities launched a series of counterterrorism raids earlier today. Two suspects were killed in a shootout. Early reporting, which has not been confirmed, says that some of the suspects were acting on orders from the Islamic State.


Morocco cracks down on ISIS backers

United States

CENTCOM said the US and partner nations have conducted 11 airstrikes in Iraq and 11 in Syria against the Islamic State since yesterday morning. Secretary of State Kerry said that the US and the UK are thinking of launching a special initiative to address the threat of Boko Haram in Nigeria and neighboring countries. The […]


Three Bedouins were beheaded by Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis in the Sinai for allegedly “conspiring with Israel,” according to the government; another man was shot and killed for “dealing with” the army. Three additional men were found executed in Rafah, and one woman was injured in a separate shooting.


A Libyan Army jet attacked a fishing trawler suspected of carrying gasoline to Islamist militias near Benghazi. The UN began peace negotiations in Geneva on Jan. 14; the Islamist Libya Dawn said that it will ignore any outcome from the meeting, which it is boycotting.


President Beji Caid Essebsi urged support for Tunisian security forces in the country’s “war on terrorism.” A soldier was wounded in the neck after he was attacked with a “sharp object by unknown persons” in a suburb of Tunis.


The Algerian Army recovered the body of French hiker Hervé Gourdel, who was abducted from the town of Akbil and beheaded by Islamic State-affiliated jihadists. The defense ministry announced the arrest of 12 suspected terrorists during operations conducted in the southern part of the country.


Kenyan troops from the AMISOM force killed five Shabaab fighters and wounded several more during an ambush by the terrorist group in Lamu; one soldier was killed and three others were wounded. A prominent Kenyan newspaper apologized for publishing the cover of the magazine attacked by terrorists in Paris last week.


Amnesty International released satellite images showing the vast destruction caused by Boko Haram’s attacks on the towns of Baga and Dora Baga last week. The Nigerian army repulsed an attack by the jihadist group on the town of Biu in northeastern Borno state; “at least 40” jihadists were killed. The casualty list from the suicide […]


The head of cyberdefense for the French military warned that since last week’s terrorist attacks in Paris, cyberattacks have been launched against some 19,000 French websites; known Islamist hacker groups carried out a number of the attacks. French and Spanish authorities are looking into possible links between jihadists in Madrid and the terrorists who attacked […]


Two or three people are said to have been killed and several others arrested when counterterrorism forces conducted a raid in Vervier against a suspected Islamic State cell. The cell members were said to be planning attacks in Europe at the direction of Islamic State commanders; the jihadists had recently returned from Syria. Other raids […]


Jewish groups in Stockholm, Malmo, and Gothenburg reported an increase in threats to them following last week’s terrorist attacks in Paris. Two men, a woman, and a youth have been arrested for plotting and carrying out a bombing in Malmo on Christmas Eve.


A Turkish media report claimed that Syrian actress Shinda Khalil, 28, was stabbed to death by her brother in Horstens on Dec. 29 because she would not fund his travel to Syria to join the Islamic State. Justice Minister Frederiksen said Danish jihadists with the Islamic State who attack Danish forces will be charged with […]

United States

The FBI arrested Christopher Lee Cornell, 20, of Green Township, Ohio, an Islamic State sympathizer who is suspected of planning to set off bombs targeting US lawmakers in Washington, DC. Authorities stepped up security at airports after last week’s terrorist attacks in Paris and al Qaeda’s publishing of a new bomb recipe; American, French, and […]


Female Yazidi captives forced to give blood to wounded Islamist fighters: survivor


The US-led coalition launched six airstrikes in the past 24 hours near Kobane, “destroying eight fighting positions and an armored vehicle.” The Islamic State is reported to be “losing ground” in the northern Kurdish enclave. Despite US airstrikes, the Islamic State has gained territory overall, and now controls “at least one-third” of the country. Al […]


Germany closer to confiscating Islamist IDs


Kurdish men on a mission to save IS captives


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula claimed the Jan. 7 attack by Cherif and Said Kaouchi on the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris, and said an attack by Amedy Coulibaly the same day on a Jewish market in Paris “coincided” with the AQAP attack. The print run for the “survivor” issue of Charlie Hebdo […]

Al Nusrah Front

Lebanese police dismantle a prison’s ‘jihadist emirate’

United Kingdom

Top UK publisher bans mentions of pork or pigs in schoolbooks ‘so as not to offend Muslims or Jews’