Search Results for: TTP

Ex-Gitmo detainee leads contingent of Islamic State fighters in Afghanistan

Mullah Raouf Khadim, an ex-Guantanamo detainee, leads a contingent of fighters loyal to the Islamic State in Helmand, Afghanistan. Raouf and another top Taliban commander were previously forced out of their positions in the Taliban’s hierarchy. According to a leaked threat assessment, the jihadist had ties to at least two members of the so-called “Taliban Five.”


Top US commander in Afghanistan: ISIS recruiting in Afghanistan, Pakistan


Officials, Experts Look to Clear Up Rumors of IS Militants in Afghanistan


Head of Pakistan’s Jamaat-e-Islami claims anti-Islam policies of West could plunge world into 3rd world war


US-returned techie held in India for planning to join ISIS


Malaysian man who ‘used Australia as step-off point for sending fighters to join ISIS terrorists in Syria’ arrested after being deported


Ethiopia jails 3 Brits for ‘terrorist’ plot: Report


Belgians held in France after foiled plot ‘were fleeing to Italy’


4 Shot During Protest Against Charlie Hebdo in Pakistan


French Town Struggles Over Departures for Jihad


As Terrorism Suspects Are Detained in Europe, Scope of Challenge Is Highlighted


From resupply to evacs, Afghan air support assumes growing role

United States

CENTCOM reported that the US and partner nations have carried out five airstrikes in Iraq and six in Syria against the Islamic State since yesterday morning. The Pentagon announced plans to deploy over 400 American trainers and hundreds more “enabling forces” to sites in Turkey, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia as early as March, where they […]


Missing bomb plot teen arrested in Vienna


Charlie Hebdo: ‘Four dead’ in Niger protest

United States

Report Finds No Substitute for Mass Data Collection


Russia says Muhammad cartoon publication illegal


The US announced that it will be sending 400 troops to train Syrian moderate opposition forces in the spring. The Islamic State has executed 17 people in the past two days, likely as a response to killings of its fighters by unidentified parties in Deir al-Zor province. “At least 1,607” people have been killed in […]


President Erdogan denounced the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo for “incit[ing] hatred and racism.” Shabazz Suleman, a British jihadist who was among some 180 Islamic State fighters turned over to the terrorist group in October in exchange for 46 Turkish hostages, claimed that while in a Turkish prison he and fellow fighters were allowed contact […]


Jihadists killed two police officers and injured three others in an attack on a police station in northern Puntland. A Shabaab commander surrendered to Somali security forces in Luq in southwestern Somalia.

European Union

Stockpiles of firearms found in European anti-terror raids


Authorities warned of possible jihadist attacks on rail facilities in Berlin and Dresden. Over 200 police officers conducted raids on 12 radical Salafist properties in Berlin, including a mosque, last night, arresting two people suspected of recruiting and fundraising for the Islamic State. One of the the suspects, Ismet D., 41 and of Turkish origin, […]


Police arrested 12 people, including four women, in the Paris area who are suspected of links to last week’s terrorist attacks in Paris. A bomb threat caused an hourlong evacuation of the Gare de l’Est train station in Paris. A heavily armed man took hostages at a post office in Colombes, just west of Paris, […]


Police arrested 15 people in a dozen raids yesterday in Brussels and Vervier who are suspected of planning to attack police stations and kill officers; police uniforms, guns, explosives, and cash were seized during the raids. Terrorism charges were filed against five people. Some of the suspects had fought in Syria, and “most” were said […]

United Kingdom

Prime Minister Cameron announced a joint UK-US initiative to confront Islamist extremism both at home and abroad. Cameron said the UK will deploy additional unarmed drones in the battle against the Islamic State. Police are considering enhanced security measures to protect Jewish communities and police officers after “seeing continuing anti-Semitic rhetoric from extremists” as well […]