Search Results for: TTP


Iran’s militias are taking over Iraq’s army


The presidents of Algeria and Benin announced that they would ramp up cooperation in counterterrorism operations. Despite political tensions, the Moroccan and Algerian intelligence services are also reported to have remained cooperative.


French forces killed about a dozen jihadists “in the region of the Adrar des Ifoghas mountains” in northern Mali. The UN’s peacekeeping mission is struggling with persistent insecurity and tensions with the civilian populace.


Chadian troops crossed the border into Nigeria and ejected Boko Haram from the town of Gamboru, which the group has held for several months. The Nigerian military claimed the country’s sovereignty remains intact. Nigerian and Chadian warplanes have bombed the jihadist group “out of a slew of northeastern Nigerian towns.” Boko Haram’s pressure on Maiduguri […]


Insider attack targets Afghan police officers


United Arab Emirates, key US ally in Islamic State effort, disengaged in December


Obama’s Pentagon nominee interested in counterterrorism cooperation with Pakistan


Jordan hangs two Iraqi militants in response to pilot’s death

Islamic State

Islamic State kills 50 captives in Syria this year

Ajnad Misr

How Cairo is taking the fight to Sinai militants

Analysis: DIA head warns al Qaeda in Syria may gain ground in 2015

Lieutenant General Vincent R. Stewart, the director of the DIA, testified before the House Armed Services Committee yesterday. Stewart warned that al Qaeda in Syria may gain ground in 2015, the Islamic State remains capable of launching offensive operations despite the coalition’s air campaign, and the Taliban-led insurgency has fought its opposition to a stalemate in Afghanistan.


Jordan to execute jailed would-be bomber, jihadists


Iraq reconciliation would help counter Islamic State – US military


Canadian police arrest man, charge him with aiding Islamic State


Argentina prosecutor Nisman ‘planned warrant’ for President Fernandez


Three French soldiers attacked outside Jewish centre

Ansar al Sharia photos focus on governance efforts near Benghazi

Ansar al Sharia Libya released a set of propaganda photos in late January that are intended to demonstrate the group’s authority over areas in and around Benghazi. The photos purportedly show a police station and a convoy of security vehicles under the group’s control. However, forces loyal to General Haftar also claim to control much of the city.


US, allies plan tough battle to retake Iraqi city from Islamic State


The Al Nusrah Front claimed responsibility for bombing a bus of Lebanese Shiite pilgrims visiting a Syrian shrine in Damascus on Feb. 1, killing six people. The Western-backed rebel Hazzm movement has reportedly joined the Levantine Front, a coalition of other Syrian rebel groups, in a bid to strengthen itself against Al Nusrah. The Islamic […]


Several people were killed in an airstrike targeting Shabaab militants in Dinsoor; the attack is believed to have been a US drone strike and “a top leader” of the jihadist organization is reported to have been killed. “At least three missile strikes from unmanned aircraft” struck a Shabaab training facility in Toratorow village, killing “dozens,” […]


President al-Sisi has asked France for modern military equipment. Recent jihadist attacks on the Sinai, including a complex suicide and indirect fire attack that killed 32 security personnel on Jan. 29, have stoked nationalist sentiment in Egypt. A court has banned Hamas’ armed wing, labeling it a terrorist organization. An Egyptian policeman was arrested after […]


The Libyan representative to OPEC was released after his kidnapping on Jan. 15 in Tripoli. The internationally recognized prime minister visited the battleground of Benghazi to show support for pro-government troops fighting there. The UN has still not found an appropriate site for planned peace talks within Libya.

Islamic State

Pilot held by Islamic State puts Jordan’s king in a tough spot


Yemen’s Houthis give parties three days to solve crisis