Search Results for: Iran

In fight against Islamic State, the Taliban holds major advantage

The Taliban has the advantage in all of the key areas, save one. The Taliban has state sponsors, terrorist allies, regional support, a marked superiority in weapons and numbers, and controls all of Afghanistan. ISKP can only match the Taliban in one area, and this the will to fight and persevere.

U.S. Treasury sanctions al Qaeda facilitators in Turkey

The U.S. Treasury Department announced that five alleged al Qaeda facilitators in Turkey have been designated as terrorists. The designation highlights the ongoing work of an old school network of Egyptian jihadists and the younger personnel in Turkey who assist them.

Taliban’s government includes designated terrorists, ex-Guantanamo detainees

The Taliban has announced the “interim” leadership of its newly restored Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. FDD’s Lpng War Journal profiles 22 of these figures, many of whom were sanctioned by the U.N. in 2001, are designated terrorists, or are former Guantanamo detainees. Multiple Taliban leaders have worked with al Qaeda.

Noor Wali Mehsud

Pakistani Taliban’s emir renews allegiance to Afghan Taliban

Noor Wali Mehsud has renewed the TTP’s allegiance to the Taliban’s Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan in the wake of the jihadis’ victory. The Taliban has released numerous TTP and al Qaeda figures from the former government’s prisons in recent weeks, including Faqir Mohammed.

Analysis: Predicting the coming Taliban offensive

Taliban will continue to wage its war against a weakened Afghan government to resurrect its Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. A look at how the Taliban may attempt to achieve this goal now that U.S. forces, which were unable to prevent the Taliban from seizing key rural districts, will soon be gone.

AQAP leader reportedly captured

According to a newly released report by a UN Monitoring Team, AQAP leader Khalid Batarfi was captured in Oct. 2020. FDD’s Long War Journal has not confirmed Batarfi’s arrest.

U.S. designates Iraqi PMF chairman for human rights violations

Falih al-Fayyadh, the Chairman of the Iran-backed Popular Mobilization Forces and the former National Security Advisor to the Iraq’s Prime Minister, was identified as a member of an “Islamic Revolutionary Guard Force Qods Force supported crisis cell” that supported attacks on protesters in 2019.