Search Results for: TTP


A female suicide bomber blew herself up in a market in Biu in northeastern Nigeria, killing at least seven people. Political violence has killed 58 people in the run-up to Nigeria’s elections. A poll by Transparency International ranked the country’s political leadership as the world’s most corrupt.


Boko Haram conducted its first attack on Chadian territory, killing one soldier and wounding four others before being driven back from the village of Ngouboua. The jihadist group has pushed into Chad, Niger and Cameroon recently in its bid to expand its “caliphate.”


London jihadi in Syria ‘linked to video of Jordanian pilot being burned’


Data from seized computer fuels a surge in US raids on al Qaeda


UN envoy says Assad part of solution for easing Syria violence


Italy closes embassy in Yemen as security deteriorates


ISI cultivated Taliban to counter Indian action against Pakistan: Musharraf


Islamic State fighters seize parts of western Iraqi town

AQAP seizes Yemeni military base in Shabwa

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula took control of the base and captured several soldiers in Shabwa province as the Shia Houthis tighten their grip on the capital and the US and Britain shutter their embassies.


I saw the US hand Iraq over to the Iranians. Is the whole region next?


White House weighs adjusting Afghan exit plan to slow withdrawal of troops


Yemen rebels seize US Embassy vehicles as diplomats flee

Al Qaeda

‘You cannot defeat an enemy you do not admit exists’ – General Flynn


China ready to support Kabul-Taliban reconciliation

Boko Haram

Thousands flee Niger town after Boko Haram attacks


Obama sends resolution for use of force against Islamic State to Congress


The Islamic State claims in a propaganda magazine that the widow of the gunman who attacked a Paris supermarket is now in Syria with the group. The US struggles with an “intelligence gap” while trying to track Western foreign fighters; it is believed “more than 20,000 foreign fighters from more than 90 countries have gone […]


At least 10 members of Shabaab were killed and scores more injured in a clash with AMISOM forces in Barawe town. The US will be providing 20 MRAPs to African Union peacekeepers in Somalia. A military court executed Ahmed Ismail Ali, “a senior Al Shabaab leader in Gedo region.” The Somali National Army claims to […]


Libya reopened the Hariga oil port after the end of a strike by security forces. Libyan Special Forces recaptured a key military base in Benghazi from Islamist militias. Islamic State-allied jihadists staged a parade in Noufliya, which is “some 60km from the eastern oil port of Sidra.” Libya is on track to exhaust its wheat […]


Tunisia arrested 32 Islamists for “planning terror attacks against buildings belonging to the country’s Ministry of Interior, security posts and civilian targets.” A general strike was declared at the country’s two main border crossings with Libya in protest of excessive force by police.


Algeria announced the founding of a “national monitoring board” to combat religious extremism. Algeria reportedly declined to join the US-led coalition against the Islamic State after requests from the US and France.


The Nigerian National Security Adviser promises that there will not be another election postponement due to security issues. A report states that Boko Haram has gathered fighters to attack again Maiduguri, the capital of Borno state.

Iyad Ag Ghaly reportedly in the Kidal region of Mali

Iyad Ag Ghaly, the reclusive leader of the Malian jihadist group Ansar Dine, is purported to be living freely in the Kidal region of Mali. A journalist for the German publication Der Spiegel met with the jihadist leader and his lieutenants.