Search Results for: suicide assault

Al Murabitoon claims Ansongo suicide attack

The explosion killed three civilians and left 16 wounded, including nine Nigerien UN peacekeepers. The group said that it was directly targeting Nigerien troops because of Niger’s president Mahamadou Issoufou’s response in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo attacks in Paris.

Islamic State assaults Baiji oil refinery

Islamic State fighters penetrated the perimeter of the Baiji oil refinery complex, the largest in Iraq, after a suicide bomber thought to be from Afghanistan or Pakistan detonated outside the main gate.

Islamic State launches assault on Ramadi

The Islamic State makes a push in Anbar’s capital and takes control of a district as Iraqi forces and Shiite militias are reportedly preparing an offensive in the western province.

Jund al Aqsa launches suicide bombings in support of Idlib offensive

The two suicide bombers, one Kuwaiti and one Saudi, were deployed in conjunction with a larger assault on the regime-held Idlib city. Several rebel groups, including the Al Nusrah Front, Jund al Aqsa, Ahrar al Sham and others have joined forces in a coalition called Jaish al Fateh.

Iraqi troops repel ISIS assault on Mosul

The ISIS killed 18 security personnel during a massed assault on the northern Iraqi city. ISIS fighters also briefly seized control of Anbar University in Ramadi.