Search Results for: Turkistan Islamic Party


Interior Minister Malik claimed that Abdul Haq al Turkistani, the leader of the Eastern Turkistan Islamic Party, is dead. The Taliban executed a captive Afghan soldier in North Waziristan and killed four policemen in Mansehra. Security forces killed two Taliban fighters in Swat and detained two more in Nowshera.

Are there ‘al Qaeda guys’ in Afghanistan?

Video of a recent al Qaeda operation in Afghanistan On Facebook, blogger Michael Yon suggests that US forces haven’t killed or captured al Qaeda fighters and leaders recently: I’ve asked a lot of commanders here to tell me about the last time they caught or killed an al Qaeda guy here. No commanders can remember […]

Father of Taliban endorses LWJ

The Long War Journal has received a compliment from one of the most unlikely sources. General (Retired) Mirza Aslam Beg, Pakistan’s Chief of Army Staff from 1988-1991, said that the depiction of the Taliban provided by The Long War Journal is spot on. Here is what General Beg had to say in his column, which […]

Key al Qaeda operative killed in US strike in North Waziristan

Sadam Hussein Al Hussami, who is also known as Ghazwan al Yemeni, was a top operative in al Qaeda’s external operations network. He aided in the suicide attack on Combat Outpost Chapman, which killed seven CIA officials and a Jordanian intelligence officer.

Al Qaeda

Abdul Haq al Turkistani, the leader of the Eastern Turkistan Islamic Party, may have been killed by the US in the Feb. 15 airstrike in North Waziristan. The report is unconfirmed. Haq is on al Qaeda’s Shura Majlis.

AQAM in northern Afghanistan

At least one squad of the joint Taliban-al Qaeda Shadow Army operating in Swat. Britain’s Channel 4 will air a show called Afghanistan: Behind Enemy Lines tomorrow night which will neatly show how Al Qaeda and allied movements (or AQAM) is operating in the northern provinces of Kunduz and Baghlan. According to Najibullah Quraishi, the […]


Chinese officials received a threat that a bomb was placed on a plane scheduled to land in Urumqi, the capital of Xinjiang province. Initial reports indicated the plane was hijacked. The plane was turned around and has landed in Kabul. The leader of the Eastern Turkistan Islamic Party recently threatened to attack Chinese interests worldwide.


Security forces detained 319 Uighurs believed to have been involved in the early July unrest in Urumqi. the capital of Xinjiang province. Abdul Haq, the leader of the Eastern Turkistan Islamic Party and a member of al Qaeda’s Shura Majlis, called for attacks against Chinese interests at home and abroad.

Senior Al Qaeda and Afghan Taliban leaders meet with Baitullah

Siraj Haqqani, Abu Yahya al Libi, Abdul Haq, and two senior Taliban commanders met with the Pakistani Taliban chief to advise him to redirect his activities toward Afghanistan. The meeting took place the same week the US and Pakistani military launched airstrikes in South Waziristan and wounded a senior terrorist leader.

The Uighurs, in their own words

The US Treasury Department and the UN have designated Abdul Haq as a terrorist with ties to al Qaeda and the Taliban. The designation may complicate the Obama administration’s efforts to relocate seventeen Uighur detainees currently held at Gitmo. Some of the Uighur detainees have openly admitted their ties to Abdul Haq.


The US Treasury Department added Abdul Haq to the Specially Designated Global Terrorist list. Haq is the leader of the Eastern Turkistan Islamic Party / Eastern Turkistan Islamic Movement, which has extensive ties to al Qaeda and the Taliban. The terror group recently released a video of its training camps.

Al Qaeda

Journal of the Turkistan Islamic Party urges jihad in China

Evaluating the Uighur Threat

A US federal court order the government to released 17 Uighurs detained at Guantanamo Bay inside the US after ruling they are not a threat. But the Uighurs are members of an al Qaeda-linked group.


The Turkistan Islamic Party, a front for the al Qaeda-linked East Turkistan Islamic Movement, issued a new video threatening to attack the Olympic Games and warned Muslims to stay away from the venue. The group claims the communist regime’s mistreatment of Muslims and a ban on multiple births justifies holy war against the government.

Uzbek jihadist group claims capture of Afghan militiamen

Katibat Imam al-Bukhari, a Taliban-loyal Uzbek group that operates in both Afghanistan and Syria, again promotes its Afghanistan operations. This comes as the Taliban has attempted to deny the presence of foreign fighters inside the country.

Ansar al-Islam raids Assad regime position in Latakia

Ansar al-Islam raided an Assad regime military position in the Latakia province yesterday, killing more than two dozen Assad loyalists. The attack was widely celebrated on Sunni jihadist social media channels. Ansar al-Islam is a small jihadist group that originated in Iraq, but has fought in Syria for years.

Al Qaeda and allies announce ‘new entity’ in Syria

Five groups, including al Qaeda’s rebranded branch, have announced the creation of a new group in Syria. The move comes after weeks of reported disagreements and clashes between the insurgents in northern Syria.

Al Qaeda and allies gain more ground in Aleppo province

The Jaysh al Fateh alliance captured three more villages in the southern countryside of Aleppo during an offensive that began on June 17. The jihadist-led coalition has made steady gains in Aleppo province since May, further demonstrating al Qaeda’s prowess in guerrilla warfare.

IRGC, allies sustained significant losses in battle for Khan Touman

On May 6, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps lost the strategic village of Khan Touman to Jaysh al Fath, suffering its worse defeat yet in the Syrian war. Iranian officials and commanders alongside state outlets have publicly downplayed the loss and have vowed revenge to retake the town. They also level accusations that the West and its regional allies support “terrorists” who take advantage of ceasefires.