Search Results for: Puntland

Islamic Courts on the Offensive

Two more Ethiopian armored vehicles destroyed, ICU engages TFG outside Baidoa, captured border town Islamic Courts controlled cities and towns marked in red. Click map to view. The Islamic Courts Union, al Qaeda’s proxy organization in Somalia, is on the offensive against the Transitional Federal Government and supporting Ethiopian Army units. Over the weekend, ICU […]


Iran has supplied the Islamic Courts with weapons and training, while ICU fighters fought with Hezbollah. Kenya has halted all flights to Somalia. More fighting is reported between the ICU and Puntland.

Iran’s Involvement in Somalia, with al Qaeda

Iran seeks uranium in exchange for training, weapons. Somali Islamists fought with Hezbollah in Lebanon against Israel. Saif al-Adel is plotting against the West with the help of the IRGC. Saif al-Adel Further details emerge on the United Nations report on foreign involvement in Somalia. The UN report shatters the myth that Sunnis and Shiite […]


Puntland arrested 12 supporters of the Islamic Courts in Galkayo, a city just north of recent fighting between the ICU and Puntland forces. An ICU spokesman for central Somalia claims they will take Galkayo and regions north by force. Aways, Indhoaade and Sharif tout the capture of a pirated ship. The ICU has banned all […]


Somalia: BBC radio banned in Puntland


The Islamic Courts are reported to be advancing north towards the southern part of Galkayo in Puntland. Fighting broke out in the southern town of Bardhere as the ICU attempted to establish control. The TFG claims to have evidence ‘foreign fighters’ are in Somalia, including Americans, Pakistanis, Afghanis and Indonesians. Kenyan Muslims “strongly condemn … […]


Somalia: UNDP Security Head in Puntland Expelled


The Islamic Courts are establishing a chapter in Puntland. The president of semi autonomous Puntland is rushing to the region to prevent the establishment of the courts. Anti-ICU protests broke out in central Somalia after the ICU executed six of Col Hirale’s captured militiamen.

The Impending Baidoa Showdown

The Islamic Courts and the transitional government are due to clash in central Somalia Islamic Courts controlled cities and towns marked in red. Click map to view. The showdown in the central Somali town of Baidoa, where the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) has established its capital since the rise of the Islamic Courts, appears to […]

The Advance of Somalia’s Islamic Courts

Islamic Courts, Ethiopian troops dance in south central Somalia Somalia. Cities in red indicate ICU controlled territory. Click map to view. As the Islamic Courts Union presses forward with consolidating power in southern and central Somalia, the chance of a battle between the army of the Islamic Courts and Ethiopian troops currently in country has […]

Suicide Strikes in Somalia

The first suicide bomber in Somalia targets transitional president and parliament as Somalia slides further into the hands of the al Qaeda backed Islamic Courts Map of Somalia, recent gains by the Islamic Courts marked in red. Click map to view. The Islamic Courts makes the first overt move against the weak transitional government of […]


Border tension between Somaliland, Puntland


al Qaeda connected Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys, the leader of the radical Islamic Courts in Somalia is “prepared to talk peace” as talks between the ICU and the Transitional Government. The ICU has suspended “all trade and public transportation during prayer times.” The autonomous region of Puntland is beginning to arrest ICU friendly Islamist clerics. […]

Islamic Courts Consolidates Power in Somalia

Map of Somalia, recent gains by the Islamic Courts marked in red. Click map to view. Somalia continues the slide into the darkness of a radical Islamist state. Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys, the al Qaeda linked leader of the Islamic Courts is consolidating power in Somalia by taking control of vital lines of communications, organizing […]