Search Results for: Lashkar-e-Taiba


Police claim to have arrested four members of the Indian Mujahideen, including Pakistani bomb expert Zia Ur Rehman a.k.a. Waqas, in Rajasthan. The group was allegedly planning a “spectacular terror attack” in India, and a large quantity of explosives was seized. The Indian Mujahideen was listed as a terrorist group by the US in 2011 […]

Al Qaeda veteran appears in Al Nusrah Front video, criticizes rival

In a video released on March 18, the Al Nusrah Front identifies Abu Firas al Suri as a leader within the group. Al Suri, who has a long al Qaeda pedigree, was dispatched to Syria from Yemen to try to mediate the dispute between Al Nusrah and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham.

Details emerge on Ahrar-ul-Hind’s emir

Maulana Umar Qasmi was a member of Jaish-e-Mohammed before becoming the emir of the Ahrar-ul-Hind, the Taliban splinter group that refuses to negotiate with the government.

US adds 3 senior Haqqani Network leaders to terrorism list

Two of the Haqqani Network leaders have close ties to al Qaeda; one of them has traveled to Saudi Arabia to fundraise as recently as late 2013. The other is a member of the Miramshah Shura and coordinates operations with the Taliban.

Afghan, US forces target Haqqani-linked Taliban leader in Parwan

Qari Nazar Gul, the deputy shadow governor for Parwan province, is linked to the Haqqani Network and “transports weapons, fighters and suicide bombers” into Parwan and Kabul. Ten Taliban fighters, a US Special Forces soldier, and two civilians were killed during the raid.

2 Guantanamo detainees transferred to Saudi Arabia

Both detainees were approved for transfer “subject to appropriate security measures” by President Obama’s Guantanamo Review Task Force. Previously, Joint Task Force Guantanamo deemed both detainees “high” risks to the US and its allies and recommended that they be retained in US custody.

AQAP launches suicide assault on Yemeni defense ministry complex

A suicide bomber created a breach in the outer wall of the Ministry of Defense, and a team of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters stormed several buildings. A Western doctor and a Filipina nurse are said to have been executed during the assault that resulted in the deaths of at least 20 people.

Pakistani Taliban name Mullah Fazlullah as new emir

Fazlullah-Umar-Media-video-SITE.jpgThe firebrand cleric from Swat replaces Hakeemullah Mehsud to lead the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan. Fazlullah led the Taliban takeover of Swat and neighboring districts in 2007. He is currently sheltering in Afghanistan’s Kunar province.

Hizbul Mujahideen

Insights from a Database of Lashkar-e-Taiba and Hizb-ul-Mujahideen Militants

Shabaab suicide teams target civilians in assault on Kenyan mall

At least 59 people have been killed and over 150 wounded in the largest terrorist attack in Kenya since al Qaeda’s 1998 bombing of the US Embassy. The Shabaab assault teams singled out non-Muslims for execution. The attack is similar to Lashkar-e-Taiba’s assault on Mumbai in 2008.


In an operation facilitated by Nepal, last night Indian authorities arrested Yasin Bhatkal, a most-wanted terror suspect and alleged founder of the Indian Mujahideen, in the city of Pokhara, where he was living as a practitioner of traditional medicine. The operation also netted Asadullah Akhtar alias Haddi, another member of the Indian Mujahideen. The US […]


A group called the “Mujahideen of Arakan” announced it has declared war against the Burmese government and against Buddhists living in Rakhine state, and urged all Muslims to engage in jihad as a matter of religious duty. A US-based rights group called on the government to address anti-Muslim propaganda and violence. Indian and Bangladeshi intelligence […]