Search Results for: TTP


Researchers estimate that 83% of access to electricity has been cut and average life expectancy has dropped by 20 years in Syria over the course of the war. More than 600 physicians have been killed and half of the country’s medical facilities have been badly damaged or destroyed, according the Lancet. SOHR claims that nearly […]


A US drone strike on Mar. 12 reportedly killed Adan Garaar, a leader in Shabaab’s security service, the Amniyat. Suspected Islamists staged a complex attack on the government headquarters in Baidoa in southwest Somalia, “killing at least four government soldiers and two civilians.” Three of the attackers were also killed in the assault.

Foreign suicide bombers launch assault on Ramadi

At least 13 suicide bombers, including jihadists from Belgium, Australia, Uzbekistan, Chechnya, Syria, Egypt, Morocco, and Tunisia launched a coordinated assault on Anbar’s provincial capital.

Analysis: Shiite Afghan casualties of the war in Syria

The Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps – Qods Force is backing the Fatemiyoun Brigade, a unit comprised of Shiite Afghans living in Iran. The leader of the Fatemiyoun Brigade has been pictured with Qods Force commander Qassem Soleimani.


A Coptic church was bombed in Kafr el-Dawar on Mar. 9, injuring two police guards. An Egyptian Army officer was killed by gunmen in Rafah, North Sinai on Mar. 11; two additional attacks in Al-Arish on Mar. 10 killed a civilian, a security officer and injured 45 people. Military airstrikes killed 11 suspected jihadists on […]


The elected parliament asked for a one-week postponement of UN peace talks in a bid to form a unity government. Libya shut down two eastern oilfields due to security concerns over recent jihadist attacks on the facilities. Libya Dawn conducted three airstrikes on the city of Zintan in northwest Libya on Mar. 11. The Islamist […]


Analysts warn of weapons smuggling to jihadist groups in Tunisia via the border with Libya. Ansar al Sharia has expanded its influence in post-revolutionary Tunisia.


Hundreds of people protested in Kidal against a UN-brokered peace proposal between Tuareg separatists and the government. Recent attacks by jihadists are said to be aimed at undermining any accord. French counterterrorism investigators arrived in Bamako to aid in the search for militants who attacked a nightclub popular with expatriates.


Nigerian troops cleared Boko Haram from the Lame/Burra forest in Bauchi state, according to an army spokesman. Soldiers also recaptured three towns and a village in Yobe state from the jihadist group on Mar. 10. A South African military contractor and five Nigerian troops were killed when their vehicle was attacked at a roadblock near […]

In pictures: Shiite militias operating near Tikrit

Several Shiite militias, which are supported by the Iranian Qods Force, and the Iraqi Security Forces have taken over several surrounding towns of Tikrit. These militias have published several photos and videos from these towns in recent days.


About 95 prisoners escaped from an Islamic State prison in al Bab near the border with Turkey but many have been recaptured, according to SOHR. The jihadist group beheaded eight men from al Bab on Mar. 9. Kurdish fighters are training a civilian defense force. The US-led coalition conducted 12 airstrikes in Syria from Mar. […]

Osama bin Laden’s Files: The Pakistani government wanted to negotiate

Recently released letters recovered in Osama bin Laden’s compound reveal that key Pakistani leaders, including the brother of Pakistan’s current prime minister, sought out negotiations with al Qaeda. Pakistan intelligence also communicated with al Qaeda leaders through jihadist intermediaries to discuss a possible truce.


Egypt temporarily reopened the Rafah border crossing with Gaza for the first time in about two months. Several bombings killed one person and injured nine in Alexandria on March 8. A roadside bomb killed three Egyptian soldiers and seriously injured another in the Sinai. Egyptian airstrikes killed 25 suspected jihadists in the Sinai in the […]