Search Results for: TTP

US kills Pakistani Taliban commander in drone strike

Khawray Mehsud served as a bodyguard and close aide to Baitulllah Mehsud, the founder of the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan. The Taliban said Khawray was a skilled military commander who fought on multiple “fronts” in both Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Iranian-backed militias rampaged in central Iraq after freeing town: HRW

A Human Rights Watch report says that the militias looted, burned thousands of buildings, and abducted at least 11 people during the Amerli offensive last summer. “The widespread burning of civilian homes by the militia groups in areas under their control appeared to have had no clear military objective and to represent collective punishment against residents of local Sunni villages,” HRW stated.


The Nigerian military retook the strategically important city of Bama in northeastern Nigeria. Troops from Chad, Niger and Nigeria have reclaimed more than 30 towns from the jihadist group in the past month, but have yet to clear Abadam, Gwoza and Askira.


A helicopter crash during a military exercise in northern Mali killed two Dutch peacekeepers. Tuareg-led rebels have agreed to another round of UN-brokered peace talks.


A detachment of the People’s National Army killed “two terrorists” in Ain Defla, according to a release by the Ministry of National Defense. Algeria has become the largest importer of arms in Africa.


Gunmen attacked the country’s parliament around noon, resulting in “a number of casualties.” Security forces have surrounded two attackers who may hold hostages in the Bardo Museum, adjacent to the parliament building.


Ten soldiers were killed when the Islamic State and the Libyan Army fought by the town of Nofaliya, near the jihadst-held oil hub of Sirte. Brigade 166, a coalition of “both moderate and extremist Islamists” from Misurata, has launched a campaign to drive the Islamic State from Sirte. The jihadist group captured 20 foreign medical workers in Sirte, then […]

Pakistani Taliban kills Dr. Afridi’s lawyer

The murder of Samiullah Afridi will make it all the less likely that Dr. Shakil Afridi will ever get a chance to appeal his prison sentence for his role in helping find Osama bin Laden.


The SOHR claimed that the Assad regime conducted a poison gas attack in Idlib province that killed six people. Amnesty International accused the regime of bombing civilians in the Islamic State stronghold of Raqqa. The US-led coalition conducted five airstrikes in Syria on Mar. 16, striking targets near al Haskah and Kobani.


Ethiopian troops invaded the Buhoodle district in northern Somalia in an attempt to arrest a Koran teacher who fled from the area. A military tribunal in Puntland sentenced three men to death after finding them guilty of working for Shabaab.


An Egyptian court sentenced Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohammed Badie and 13 others to death after they were found guilty of “planning attacks against the state.” Islamic State affiliated jihadists claimed to have captured the engine from an American-made tank after an ambush on Egyptian forces in the Sinai; an Egyptian military spokesman denied the claim.