Search Results for: TTP

Boko Haram kidnaps hundreds from Damasak

As forces from Nigeria, Chad, and Niger continue to push Boko Haram from its strongholds in northeastern Nigeria, the group has continued to inflict damage upon civilians. Earlier this month, Boko Haram kidnapped over 400 young women and children from the Nigerian town of Damasak near the border with Niger.


Jihadists allied with the Islamic State clashed with both pro-government and rival Islamist militia forces in Sirte and Benghazi. A suicide bomber killed five security personnel working for a rival Islamist faction in Sirte, while a string of suicide bombing in Benghazi killed at least 12 individuals fighting for the internationally recognized government. Islamic State jihadists released […]


Newly released video shows the moment gunfire erupted during the jihadist attack on the Bardo museum in Tunis. Tataouine, the Tunisian town famous as the setting for the planet of Tattooine in the movie Star Wars, has reportedly become a waypoint for jihadists transiting to Libya.

State Department adds Islamic Caucasus Emirate leader to terrorist list

The State Department has added Aliaskhab Kebekov (also known as Ali Abu Muhammad al Dagestani), who heads the Islamic Caucasus Emirate, to the US government’s list of specially designated global terrorists. State notes that Kebekov has proclaimed his organization’s “structural subordination” to al Qaeda.


Two bomb makers were killed when their explosives prematurely detonated, destroying a house in Gao.


Boko Haram kidnapped hundreds of civilians rounded up from primary schools as it fled from Damask earlier in March. The jihadist group is reportedly using the hostages as human shields. Nigeria has closed its borders ahead of presidential and parliamentary elections on Mar. 28.

Jund al Aqsa launches suicide bombings in support of Idlib offensive

The two suicide bombers, one Kuwaiti and one Saudi, were deployed in conjunction with a larger assault on the regime-held Idlib city. Several rebel groups, including the Al Nusrah Front, Jund al Aqsa, Ahrar al Sham and others have joined forces in a coalition called Jaish al Fateh.

Al Qaeda and allies form coalition to battle Syrian regime in Idlib

The Al Nusrah Front, al Qaeda’s official branch in Syria, and its allies have formed a coalition of groups to go on the offensive in Idlib. One of the coalition’s first propaganda videos features Al Nusrah fighters firing an American-made TOW missile on a Syrian regime target.

Al Nusrah Front, allied rebels capture Syrian helicopter crew

Four of the crew are reported to have been captured with a fifth being executed on the spot. The fate of the sixth crew member remains unknown. No official statement has come from the Al Nusrah Front but the chopper went down in a Nusrah stronghold of Idlib province.


The UN special envoy stated that the terrorist attack in neighboring Tunisia has added a “sense of urgency” to ongoing peace talks in Libya. Gen. Khalifa Haftar told the AP that the Islamic State will spread to Europe if Libya receives no foreign military aid. Libya’s foreign minister congratulated the rival Libya Dawn on fighting […]


The Islamic State has claimed responsibility for the terrorist attack on a museum in Tunis that killed 23 people. The attackers targeted Westerners and reportedly received weapons training in Libya. Authorities say that up to 3,000 Tunisian citizens have traveled abroad to wage jihad.


Security personnel have arrested two men in connection with the small arms attack on a nightclub in Bamako that killed five people. Three Malians, a Frenchman and a Belgian were killed in the assault on Mar. 7.


Residents of Bama in Borno state claim that Boko Haram fighters “slaughtered their wives” before they retreated from a Nigerian Army offensive. Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan believes that the jihadist group could be pushed out of towns and villages it holds in about a month.