Search Results for: TTP


International donors pledged $3.8 billion in aid at a conference in Kuwait; the figure is less than half of what the UN said is required to meet the country’s needs. The Islamic State killed more than 40 people, predominantly civilians, when it attacked the village of Mabuja in central Syria on Mar. 31. Canada’s House […]


On Mar. 30, security forces arrested dozens of individuals suspected of being involved in an attack on the Juba intelligence headquarters in Kismayo. Germany’s parliament authorized the deployment of additional security advisers to Somalia, to augment the 20 troops already there.


The US has unfrozen military aid to Egypt that had been suspended in 2013, citing current national security interests. Relatives of Coptic Christians beheaded by the Islamic State in Libya are coming under attack for attempting to build a new church in the village of Al Our, home to 13 of the victims. President Abdel […]


Challenger Muhammadu Buhari defeated incumbent Goodluck Jonathan in Nigeria’s presidential election. Chadian and Nigerien soldiers drove Boko Haram from Malam Fatori in northeastern Nigeria.

Iranian-backed Shiite militias still operating in Tikrit

Several Iranian-backed Shiite militia groups continue to operate in Tikrit, despite claims by US government officials that most of these militias had left the battle. The US continues to launch airstrikes to support Iraqi forces and these militias, many leaders of which are responsible for killing US and Coalition servicemen during the Iraq War.


A rocket killed a Filipino and wounded eight others, including three Filipinos, one African national and four Libyans, in the western Libyan town of Zawiya. According to Egyptian state media, three Egyptian hostages were freed by Libyan soldiers from their extremist captors in Banghazi. The internationally-recognized Libyan government will request intervention from the Arab League to […]


Prime Minister Habib Essid announced that Tunisian security forces have killed Khaled Chayeb, the commander of the attack that massacred 21 tourists at the National Bardo Museum, and eight other jihadists during an ambush overnight. Political leaders and thousands of Tunisians conducted an anti-terrorism march in Tunis on Mar. 29.


A minimum of 15 -39 people have been killed in Nigeria after Boko Haram’s threat to disrupt elections with violence. Vote counting has begun amid warnings from the US and UK of “deliberate political interference” and one observer noting that the polling was “generally fair.”

Analysis: Iranian Reactions to Operation Decisive Storm

As Operation Decisive Storm got underway, Iranian outlets, analysts, and elites all prepared to frame the conflict between the Shiite Houthis in Yemen and the 10-member coalition as part of the larger Saudi-Iranian cold war. Such zero-sum statements indicate that any set-back for the coalition will be a win for Iran.

Jihadist coalition claims control of Idlib

The Jaysh al Fateh coalition has captured the city of Idlib, or much of it. Propaganda photos posted online show jihadist groups, including the Al Nusrah Front, controlling government buildings and key facilities.


SOHR claims that the regime killed 18 people, including three children, while shelling the town of Daraa in southern Syria.The US dropped graphic anti-jihadist leaflets over the Islamic State-held city of Raqqa. The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons will investigate claims of a chemical weapons attack on the village of Sarmin that killed […]


Shabaab gunned down a senior officer with Kenya’s counterterrorism police in Mombasa. Security forces are on high alert amidst reports that Shabaab operatives have snuck into the country to conduct attacks.


A senior Shabaab commander was captured along with three others when security forces raided his hideout in Mogadishu, according to a senior intelligence officer. Amisom troops deserted the strategic towns of Awdeegle , Barrire and Sabiib in Lower Shebelle region, according to residents. Interim Jubbaland Forces and African Union troops are conducting an offensive against Shabaab […]


A ten-year-old girl was killed when she picked up an improvised explosive device placed near her school in Fayoum province. A senior police official was killed in a shootout with unknown gunmen in Suez. The rise in terrorist attacks in Egypts is apparently failing to drive off investors. Egypt is ready to send troops into Yemen […]