Search Results for: Iran


General: Iran sending millions to Iraq’s Mahdi fighters


The Khomeini letter – is Rafsanjani warning the hardliners?


Iran Arrests Ayatollah Borujerdi and Followers


Iran police clash with cleric’s loyalists


Iran to open nuclear sites for tourists


US Official Says Talks on Iran Sanctions to Begin Next Week


6 nations to meet, talk action on Iran


US Will Push Banks To Cut All Ties to Iran


Iran proposes French monitoring of enrichment


US Senate votes to extend Iran sanctions


Iranian FM: No Reason for Iran to Suspend Nuclear Activities


The US House approved sanctions on Iran’s oil industry, and the Senate is expected to follow. The US says time is running out talks between Iran and the European Union.


Russia, Iran Agree Timetable For Bushehr Nuclear Reactor


Suspending enrichment unacceptable, says Iranian cleric


At Home, Tehran Deals With a Restive Arab Minority


Iran™s Leader Relishes 2nd Chance to Make Waves


Rebuttal to Time’s ‘Preparing for War with Iran’ article


Iran could have nuke bombs in 3 years -Israeli army


Chavez greets Iranian ally Ahmadinejad


What Would War With Iran Look Like?


Iran refuses enrichment suspension


Iran’s imperial vision


European nations warn Iran is stalling on nuclear negotiations. Iranian authorities censor sections of Grand Ayatollah Yousefi Sanei’s website which promote women’s civil rights. The Iranian military roles out a remodeled F-5 fighter and touts it as a newly built Iranian aircraft. Former Iranian President Mohammed Khatami spoke at the Washington National Cathedral.


Ex Iranian leader Khatami says US should stay in Iraq for moment, negotiate over enrichment


France, Italy team up to slam Iranian nuclear project


The International Atomic Energy Agency has “found new traces of enriched uranium in Iran.” Iran refuses to give up its nuclear program. The U.S. State Department has approved a visa for former Iranian president Mohammad Khatami to visit the country. Khatami was sponsored by UN Secretary General Kofi Annan.

IDF Commando Raid in Tyre; Iranian Missile Resupply

Southern Lebanon. Green indicates Israeli occupied town; red IDF warned towns of operations; yellow Israeli airstrikes; orange clashes; dark blue IDF commando raid. Click map to view. The naval commandos of Flotilla 13, one of the Israeli Defense Force’s elite units, conducted a raid into the heart of Tyre, striking at what is described as […]

Iranian manufactured Raad 1 missiles launched at Haifa (Updated)

The Raad. Click image to view. The rocket attack on the northern Israeli city of Haifa has raised the stakes in the very hot war between Israel and Hezbollah, and increases the possibility of widening the conflict with Syria and Iran. Haifa, the country’s third largest city, is home to over 250,000 Israelis, and Hezbollah […]

The Iranian Problem Revisited

Evidence of Iran’s involvement in international terrorism is indisputable. Iran is the main sponsor of Hezbollah, which has been referred to as the “A-Team” of terrorist groups because of their organization, technical abilities, fundraising, connections and sponsorships. The 9-11 Commission has explicitly linked Iran, Hezbollah and al Qaeda; “Assistance from Hezbollah and Iran to al […]

Nuclear Iran

Iran’s desire to become a nuclear power is moving forward. Negotiations between Iran and the EU-3 (Britain, France and Germany) have reached an impasse, and Iran demands the EU-3 settle the issue by today, or the UN seals on the Isfahan nuclear reactor will be broken and fuel processing and research will immediately resume. Iran’s […]