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An interior ministry press release stated that one of the leaders of the “Katibat Abu Mariem” terrorist cell was arrested on Apr. 12, joining twenty of the group’s jihadists captured on Feb. 11. US ambassador in Tunis Jacob Walles said the US is planning to double military aid to Tunisia in order to support the country’s fight against terrorism.


Two Malian soldiers were killed and others wounded when their vehicle struck a landline near the town of Diabaly in central Mali. Norway, the Netherlands, Bahrain, Croatia, Mauritius, Andorra and Switzerland have pledged $3 million of the $11 million required to rebuild UNESCO World Heritage sites destroyed by jihadists in Timbuktu between March 2012 and January 2013.


Various ceremonies will mark the one year anniversary of Boko Haram’s kidnapping of over 200 school girls from Chibok. President-elect Muhammadu Buhari said  his “government will do everything in its power to bring them home” but cautioned “we do not know if the Chibok girls can be rescued.”

Islamic State assaults Baiji oil refinery

Islamic State fighters penetrated the perimeter of the Baiji oil refinery complex, the largest in Iraq, after a suicide bomber thought to be from Afghanistan or Pakistan detonated outside the main gate.

Al Qaeda branches eulogize slain Egyptian jihadist

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula and Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb have issued eulogies for Hammam Attiyah, who led Ajnad Misr until his death earlier this month. Little is known about Attiyah, but the eulogies are a significant indication that Ajnad Misr operates as part of al Qaeda’s international network.


A Taliban suicide bomber killed four Afghan civilians in an attack on a US military convoy in Jalalabad. The Taliban killed 12 civilians in an IED attack in Ghazni. A Taliban suicide assault team killed 10 people in an attack on a court in Mazar-i-Sharif.

Islamic State launches assault on Ramadi

The Islamic State makes a push in Anbar’s capital and takes control of a district as Iraqi forces and Shiite militias are reportedly preparing an offensive in the western province.


Fourteen Palestinian factions support a joint military operation with the Assad regime to retake the Yarmouk refugee camp in Damascus from the Islamic State. The jihadist group is holding 50 civilians hostage after an attack on the village of Mabujeh on Mar. 31. Islamic State fighters killed 17 pro-regime personnel during attacks on checkpoints in Homs province. The jihadist […]


The government placed a bounty on the heads of 11 members of Shabaab. A reward of $250,000 has been offered for the group’s leader, Ahmed Diriye.


A number of former military officers are reportedly joining Islamist insurgent groups. Mortar fire killed 11 civilians in North Sinai. The Islamist group Ajnad Misr confirmed the death of its leader in a firefight with security forces in Cairo. The US State Department approved the sale of Hellfire II air-to-ground missiles to Egypt.

Ansar al Sharia Libya relaunches social media sites

Ansar al Sharia Libya now operates a radio station in Benghazi and several Twitter feeds. The group is at war with General Khalifa Haftar’s forces, but is promoting its governance efforts even while in the thick of battle. While a senior sharia official has defected to the Islamic State, there is no indication the group as a whole has followed suit.


A spiritual leader and top judge with Ansar al Sharia defected to the Islamic State. The Islamic State’s “Tripoli province” released a video calling on its supporters to help the group take over Libya, followed by Tunisia.


Human Rights Watch criticized Tunisia’s new counterterrorism bill, stating it would “permit extended incommunicado detention, weaken due process guarantees for people charged with terrorism offenses, and allow the death penalty.” A fifth Tunisian soldier has died after an ambush near Kasserine on Apr. 7; the Ajnad al-Khilafa Bil Kairouan group claimed responsibility for the attack […]


The UN has labeled a landmine explosion that injured two peacekeepers in Kidal a terrorist act. Cambodia sent 461 troops to peacekeeping missions in Mali and Sudan. The US and French military are assisting in the search for a hostage kidnapped in Burkina Faso and now believed to be in Mali.


A federal government official contradicted recent statements that the kidnapped Chibok girls may have been killed, saying there is still hope for their rescue. The Nigerian military said that it drove Boko Haram from the jihadist group’s remaining stronghold in Alagarno forest in Borno state.