Jemaah Islamiyah and its senior leaders

Description of Jemaah Islamiyah here…. History, senior leadership, etc…. Also add presentation

List of senior Jemaah Islamiyah leaders

Abdul Rahim Ayub


Mas Selamat Kastari

Noordin Mohammad Top

Nasir Abas

Parlindungan Siregar

Tamsil Linrung

Umar Patek

Ustad Yasir Syawal


Zulkifli bin Hir

Abdul Rahim Ayub

Base of operations: Bentley, Australia

About: Abdul Rahim Ayub is the Australian leader of Jemaah Islamiyah and a religious teacher at the al Hidayah Islamic School in Bentley, Western Australia.


Abu Bakar Bashir

Base of operations: Indonesia

About: Abu Bakar Bashir cofounded the radical Pesantren al Mukmin Ngruki in Solo Central Java in 1972 along with Abdullah Sungkar to preach Wahhabism. Both Bashir and Sungkar were convicted of involvement with the Darul Islam movement in 1982 and fled to Malaysia where they began to preach and organize, They forged a connection with Osama bin Laden’s Maktab al Khidamat in Pakistan and sent classes of Southeast Asia students to study and wage Jihad in Afghanistan In 1996 they formally established Jemaah Islamiyah. Bashir relinquished his role as Jemaah Islamiyah emir in 2000 but remains its spiritual leader. He was convicted of conspiracy for the 2002 Bali bombings and served 25 months in prison.



Base of operations: Philippines

About: Dulmatin is an electronics specialist and bomb maker for Jemaah Islamiyah. He trained in al Qaeda camps in Afghanistan prior to the fall of the Taliban in late 2001 and was behind the Bali bombings in 2002. Dulmatin was believed to be sheltering with Abu Sayyaf in the Philippines and training the terror group to build bombs. Dulmatin is believed to have been killed during fighting in the southern Philippines but this has not been confirmed.


Mas Selamat Kastari

Base of operations: Unknown

About: Mas Selamat Kastari was the head of the Singapore branch of Jemaah Islamiyah. He plotted to bomb the Singapore Changi Airport and planned to conduct attacks in the city-state using seven bomb-filled trucks. Selamat was arrested by Indonesia’s anti-terror squad on the island of Java in Indonesia in January 2006.He escaped from prison in Singapore on Feb. 27, 2008.


Noordin Mohammad Top

Base of operations: Indonesia, Malaysia

About: Noordin Mohammad Top is the leader of the leader of the Jemaah Islamiyah-linked Tanzim Qaedat al-Jihad. Born in Malaysia, he is believed to have been a key figure behind the recent bombing of two luxury hotels in Jakarta, the Bali nightclub bombing in 2005, the 2002 Bali attack, the 2004 bombing of the Australian embassy in Jakarta, and the 2003 bombing of the Marriot hotel in Jakarta. In addition to being an explosive export, he is also an important financier of Islamic terrorism in Southeast Asia, with the ultimate goal of establishing an Islamic state the spans Indonesia, Malaysia, and the southern Philippines. As the most wanted man in Southeast Asia, he is believed to be in either Malaysia or Indonesia, and is currently hunted by both nations as well as the FBI.


Nasir Abas

Base of operations: Indonesia

About: Nasir Abas trained Bali bombers Imam Samudra and Ali Imron. He spent six years with the Taliban in Afghanistan and claims Abu Bakar Bashir appointed him a top regional commander.


Parlindungan Siregar

Base of operations: Indonesia

About: Parlindungan Siregar is trained as an engineer and has close ties to al Qaeda in Europe. He led an al Qaeda training camp in Sulawesi, Indonesia. He arranged to for several hundred European operatives from Europe to travel to Indonesia for training.


Tamsil Linrung

Base of operations: Jakarta, Indonesia

About: Tamsil Linrung was detained by Philippine authorities in 2002 while in transit with his brother-in-law Agus Dwikarna and Abdul Jamal Balfas for attempted smuggling of a small amount of C4 explosives, detonating cords, and blasting caps. He was returned to Jakarta, where he received a hero’s welcome. He is connected with the Preparatory Committee for the Implementation of Islamic Law and is a leading parliamentarian for Partai Keadilan Sejahtera or the Justice Party. In March 2007 he was denied entry to Canada


Umar Patek

Base of operations: Philippines

About: Umar Patek served as an assistant coordinator for the 2002 Bali bombings. He is believed to be sheltering with Abu Sayyaf in the Philippines.


Ustad Yasir Syawal

Base of operations: Indonesia

About: Ustad Yasir Syawal, who is also known as Laode Agus Salim, is the son-in-law of Jemaah Islamiyah co-founder Abdullah Sungkar. Syawal and Zulkarnaen led the first cycle of Indonesian students at the Maktab al Khidamat sponsored Camp Sadda in Pakistan in 1985. Syawal became an expert in paramilitary training and was tasked with working as a trainer for future cycles of students. In 1998 he helped set up Camp Hudaibiyah in the Philippines and then the Laskar Jundullah in 2000 to wage Jihad in Poso, Sulawesi. He also met Omar al Farouq while in Pakistan and was pivotal in bringing him to Indonesia.



Base of operations: Unknown

About: Zulkarnaen, who is also known as Aris Sumarsono, led the first cycle of Indonesian students at the Maktab al Khidamat sponsored Camp Sadda in Pakistan in 1985. He excels in communications and became a trainer for future Indonesian student cycles. In 1998 he played a crucial role in establishing Camp Hudaibiyah, an international terror training camp in the Philippines, as well as Laskar Jundullah, which received support from al Qaeda in 2000. He is widely considered to be a leading military strategist within Jemaah Islamiyah.


Zulkifli bin Hir

Base of operations: Philippines

About: Zulkifli bin Hir is the head of the Kumpulun Mujahidin Malaysia terrorist organization and a member of Jemaah Islamiyah’s central command. Since August 2003. he has been present in the Philippines, where he is believed to have conducted bomb-making training for the Abu Sayyaf Group.


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