Iraq Embed September 2007

The September 2007 Iraq Embed was sponsored by the Public Multimedia, Inc., and the generous readers of the The Long War Journal.

Bill Roggio’s Embed in Iraq, September 2007

In September of 2007, Bill embedded with the US Army in Baghdad province, the city of Baghdad, and the Georgian Army in Wasit province. Bill spent time with theBravo Troop, 1st Battalion, 89th Regiment of the 2nd Brigade, 10th Mountain Division in the Haswa region; the the 3rd Infantry Brigade of the Georgian Army in Wasit province; the 1st Battalion, 30th Regiment, 2nd Brigade of the 3rd Infantry Division in Arab Jabour; and the 3rd Squadron, 2nd Stryker Calvary Regiment in southwestern Baghdad.

Photogalleries from Iraq:

Under contruction….

Posts from Iraq:

September 25, 2007
Counterinsurgency in al Qaeda’s last bastion in Baghdad
The 3rd Squadron, 2nd Stryker Calvary Regiment fights al Qaeda in Iraq in eastern Doura in Baghdad.

September 22, 2007
An interview with the “Lion of Arab Jabour”
The Long War Journal interviews the architect of the Concerned Citizens in the Arab Jabour region.

September 22, 2007
Arab Jabour: “This is al Qaeda Country”
US forces and the Concerned Citizens hunt al Qaeda in the region southeast of Baghdad.

September 20, 2007
Iranian Qods Force agent captured in northern Iraq
Raid in Sulimaniyah nets an Iranian Qods Force officer. Additional raids in Baghdad and Diwaniyah result in three killed and 21 captured.

September 20, 2007
Improving security: Baghdad’s Adhamiyah neighborhood
A battlefield circulation with Brigadier General Jim Huggins, the Deputy Commander of Multinational Forces Central, takes Bill to the Adhamiyah neighborhood in Baghdad.

September 18, 2007
Surging in Wasit Province
Multinational Division Center kicks off Operation Marne Sentry, the interdiction of Iranian-trained fighters and weapons, near the border in Wasit province.

September 16, 2007
Sheikh Sattar assassin captured by US forces
US Special Forces captured an al Qaeda leader involved in the assassination of the leader of the Anbar Awakening, as well as other attacks in Anbar province. Al Qaeda attacks a tribe aligned with the Diyala Awakening; an anti-extremist Shia movement forms in Wasit province.

September 15, 2007
Standing up the Concerned Citizens in southern Baghdad
A look at the reconciliation process and the engagement with the local Concerned Citizen groups southwest of Baghdad.

September 14, 2007
The Long War Journal meets President Bush
President Bush speaks to Bill Roggio and Bill Ardolino via a video teleconference call from Camp Victory, Iraq.

September 13, 2007
Sheikh Sattar, leader of the Anbar Awakening, killed in bombing
Sheikh Abdul Sattar Abu Risha, the founder of the Anbar Awakening movement and catalyst behind the fight against al Qaeda in Iraq in Anbar province and beyond, has been murdered in a car bombing attack in Ramadi.

September 13, 2007
Counterinsurgency success in Haswa
Embedded report from Haswa, Iraq. US forces work with Sunni and Shia volunteers to drive out al Qaeda and restore peace to one of the most dangerous regions in Iraq.

Gen. Petraeus reports to Congress
September 10, 2007
Full text and accompanying slides of General Petraeus’ report to Congress on the military situation in Iraq.

September 9, 2007
USAF kills al Qaeda emir behind Yazidi villages attacks
US Air Force killed Abu Muhammad al Afri, the al Qaeda in Iraq emir of Sinjar who ordered the attacks on the Yazidi villages in Ninewa province. The attacks killed hundreds of Iraqis and accounted for 30 percent of civilian casualties in August.

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