About The Long War Journal

Note: This page is currently under construction. The Photogalleries for the Iraq embed are being designed.

The 2006 Iraq Embed was sponsored by the generous readers of the The Fourth Rail, Public Multimedia, Inc. and Spirit of America.


Bill in Ramadi

Bill Roggio’s Embed in Iraq, December 2006

In December of 2006, Bill obtained his own credentials through Public Multimedia, Inc., his new media company, and embedded as a journalis the Marines in Fallujah, Iraq. The assignments included patroling the roads around Fallujah, embedding with the Police Transition Team and Military Transition Team in the city, and embedding with the Iraqi Army. Bill also looked into the status

Photogalleries from Iraq: Under Construction

Patroling with the Gators, The Police Transition Team in Fallujah, The Military Transition Team in Fallujah, The Iraqi Army (3-2-1). Click the photo below to view.

Posts and Articles from Iraq:

January 11, 2007
The Greatest Enemy is Time
(Originally published in Die Weltwoche)
Reflections from the December, 2006 Embed

December 24, 2006
Al-Zawraa Responds to Muj TV
Mashaan Jabouri, the owner of al-Zawraa, responds to my post, Muj TV

December 22, 2006
An Interview with Captain Eric Coulson
Captian Coulson commands an Engineer company in Anbar province, and is a fellow blogger

December 22, 2006
Anbar Province and the Iraq Study Group Report
Iraqi Politicians and Tribal Sheihks are concerned about the implications of the Iraq Study Group report

December 19, 2006
Spirit of America at Work in Fallujah
While on patrol in Fallujah, I saw Iraqi children with SoA backpacks…

December 19, 2006
The Military Transition Teams and the Development Iraqi Army
The MTT Mission; Successes and setbacks with the Iraqi Army

December 16, 2006
On patrol with 3 Company, 3-2-1 Iraqi Army in southern Fallujah

December 14, 2006
Battling the Insurgency in Fallujah
The Fallujah security situation; a nighttime raid with Charlie Company 1/24 Marines

December 12, 2006
Embed Update, CSM & Pakistan
A brief response to The Christian Science Monitor’s Dante Chinni and his article on my reporting on Iraq

December 12, 2006
Spirit of America in Anbar
Helping the children of Anbar Province

December 10, 2006
al-Zawraa: Muj TV
The Iraqi insurgency has a satellite TV station, called al-Zawraa. Insurgent propaganda, 24/7, believed to be broadcast from Syria.

December 9, 2006
Hearts & Minds
Mortar Attack on the Fallujah Police; the PTT Medics

December 8, 2006
A Day Inside Fallujah
A small scale attack on the Fallujah Government Center; Fallujah Police form the SMG

December 6, 2006
Fallujah Today, and on Route Mobile
Patroling one of the two main arteries through the Fallujah region

December 3, 2006
The Military and The Media
The divide grows

December 2, 2006
Baghdad Bombings in Shia Markets
Suicide attacks in Baghdad, al-Qaeda and Sadr continue to divide Iraq

December 1, 2006
Hunting the Takfiris in Iraq
Ansar al-Sunnah leaders captured, raid on al-Qaeda in Iraq cell

Media Coverage of the Iraq Embed:

December 12, 2006
The value of a pro-war blogger’s reports from Iraq
Bill Roggio’s accounts bring home a feel for what US troops are facing in Iraq

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