Category Archives: Long War Journal

Taliban attacks kill 12 Afghan policemen

In the east, 10 members of the Afghan Local Police were killed in an IED attack, while in the south, two policemen were killed in a failed assassination attempt against Kandahar’s governor.

Taliban website hacked for 3rd time in a year

The Taliban’s leading website has been ‘infiltrated’ for the third time in less than a year by unknown cyber-assailants. The Taliban have yet to comment on the disruption to their El Emara website.

AQAP commander thought killed in US drone strike

Mohammed Saeed al Umda (also known as Ghareeb al Taizi), who trained at al Qaeda’s Al Farouq camp in Afghanistan and has been listed as the fourth-most-wanted man in Yemen, is believed to be dead. A second strike killed three AQAP fighters in the south.

Death of al Qaeda Shura member confirmed by widow

Abu Miqdad al Masri’s widow confirmed his death as well as the deaths of two of their sons in a US drone strike in Darpa Danda Khel in North Waziristan on Oct. 14, 2011. The strike took place one day after senior Haqqani Network leader Jan Baz Zadran was killed in the same town.