Category Archives: Long War Journal

US adds IMU financier, Taliban IED experts to terror list

Qari Ayyub Bashir is the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan’s top financier; Maulawi Adam Khan Achekzai is a senior Taliban IED expert and leader; and Aamir Ali Chaudhry is an electronics and explosives expert for the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan who was involved in the Times Square plot.

Turkish jihadists eulogize slain German al Qaeda leader

Islamic World, a Turkish jihadist magazine, said that Bekkay Harrach fought against Israeli soldiers in the West Bank, traveled to Iraq, where he was wounded, and was detained by Syrian security forces. Harrach also lived with Atiyah Abd al Rahman in Pakistan.

State Department: Ansar al Sharia an alias for AQAP

The State Department has announced that Ansar al Sharia in Yemen is simply an “alias” for al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), which is attempting to “rebrand itself.” The Ansar al Sharia brand is being employed by al Qaeda-linked groups elsewhere, including in Tunisia and Libya.