Category Archives: Long War Journal

Karzai presses for fatwa on suicide attacks

A proposed Kabul religious conference on the impermissibility of suicide attacks has drawn opposition from the Afghan Taliban and from Pakistani religious parties, and a frustrated President Karzai has appealed to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.

Prominent al Qaeda leader killed in drone strike in 2012

Abd el Kader Mahmoud Mohamed el Sayed was a close advisor to al Qaeda emir Ayman al Zawahiri and served as a military commander in Afghanistan before he was killed. El Sayed was involved in the Luxor massacre and, while living in Milan, was recorded by Italian intelligence discussing terror plots against the West.

Sidelined Pakistani Taliban commander back in good graces

The reconciliation between Faqir Mohammed and Abu Bakr, the new emir in Bajaur, shows that the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan is far from defeated and disorganized, as the Pakistani government has claimed. The Taliban’s leaders were able to convene the shura, send a delegation to Bajaur to mediate the dispute, and organize the reconciliation of the factions in the tribal agency.

Israel reportedly strikes convoy of Syrian weapons

The Israeli Air Force reportedly carried out an airstrike on a Syrian weapons convoy overnight. Reports suggest that Russian-made SA-17 anti-aircraft missiles, believed to be headed for Hezbollah, were struck in Syria, not far from the Lebanese border.