Category Archives: Long War Journal

Analysis: Zawahiri’s letter to al Qaeda branches in Syria, Iraq

Al Jazeera has published a letter purportedly written by Ayman al Zawahiri to al Qaeda’s franchises in Iraq and Syria. Two US intelligence officials say the letter is genuine. In the letter, Zawahiri rules on a dispute between the two al Qaeda branches and appoints a new representative in the region.

US adds al Qaeda explosives expert to list of global terrorists

Abd al Hamid al Masli, a Libyan, is a “key improvised explosive device (IED) facilitator” who operates in Waziristan. He temporarily served as the head of al Qaeda’s military committee, likely after Abdullah Said al Libi, the former head of the Lashkar al Zil, was killed in a drone strike.

Egyptian jihadists call for attacks in Shiite countries

Mohammed Zawahiri on Al Faroq Media Facebook Page.jpgMohammed Zawahiri, the brother of al Qaeda’s emir, is one of the 20 Egyptian jihadists who issued a statement calling upon Sunnis to launch attacks in Shiite-led countries in response to the Bashir al Assad regime’s offensive in Qusayr, Syria. Iran and Hezbollah have reportedly joined the fight in Qusayr alongside Assad’s forces.

US launches first drone strike in Pakistan in 6 weeks

The strike in North Waziristan killed seven people in an area administered by the al Qaeda-linked Haqqani Network. Senior Taliban commander Waliur Rehman is rumored to have been killed. The program had been put on hold for “political considerations.”

American killed in US drone strike, US Attorney General says

Jude Kenan Mohammed was the eighth member of Daniel Boyd’s terror cell in North Carolina. He traveled to Pakistan in 2008, was arrested, skipped bail, and is thought to have traveled to Pakistan’s tribal areas. He may have been killed in a strike in 2011 that occurred in an area controlled by the Haqqani Network.