Category Archives: Long War Journal

UN warned of Shabaab ally’s ‘new and more complex operations’ in Kenya

A report published by a UN Monitoring Group in July warned that Al Hijra, Shabaab’s affiliate in Kenya, was planning more complicated attacks utilizing fighters who had returned from Somalia. The report also revealed that the US has been funding the “Al-Shabaab/East Africa Al-Qaida Disruption Initiative,” which has targeted Al Hijra’s leaders.

Shabaab emir praises group’s assault on Kenya mall

Sheikh Mukhtar Abu Zubayr threatened further attacks in Kenya if its military is not withdrawn from southern Somalia. He also noted that the assault on the Westgate Mall was “just 10 days after the anniversary date of the blessed 911 operations.”

Number of Gaza terror groups possess Strela 2 MANPADS

Recent photos and video from the Gaza Strip provide clear evidence that Hamas and other Palestinian terror groups are in the possession of Strela 2 (SA-7 Grail) MANPADS. Israeli officials have previously warned that Palestinian terror groups were benefiting from the looting of weapon stockpiles in Libya.

Shabaab suicide teams target civilians in assault on Kenyan mall

At least 59 people have been killed and over 150 wounded in the largest terrorist attack in Kenya since al Qaeda’s 1998 bombing of the US Embassy. The Shabaab assault teams singled out non-Muslims for execution. The attack is similar to Lashkar-e-Taiba’s assault on Mumbai in 2008.

Taliban ambush policemen in northern Afghan province

The Taliban ambushed Afghan forces just after the military ended what it claimed was a successful operation to clear the Wardoj district in Badakhshan. More that 20 Afghan policemen are reported to have been killed and an additional 24 are missing.

Egyptian army claims successes as jihadists allege ‘massacre’

The Egyptian army announced that recent operations in the Sinai have led to the arrests of numerous “terrorist elements” as well as the seizure of a variety of weaponry. A leading Sinai jihadist group contended, however, that a recent army operation killed seven civilians, including four children.

Al Qaeda and the threat in Syria

Testimony to the House Committee on Homeland Security, on al Qaeda in Syria and the threat it poses to the US. Al Qaeda affiliates and allied jihadist groups dominate the insurgency in the heart of the Middle East.