Category Archives: Long War Journal

Boko Haram strikes across northeastern Nigeria and in Cameroon

Suspected Boko Haram fighters launched attacks across Nigeria’s north and east and ventured into neighboring Cameroon, kidnapping the deputy minister’s wife and a local religious leader. In separate attacks over the past two days, three female suicide bombers detonated in the capital of Kano state.

Boko Haram gains ground

Launching more attacks, Boko Haram hoisted its flag in a northeastern Nigerian town where it recently killed over 100 civilians.

Al Qaeda renews its oath of allegiance to Taliban leader Mullah Omar

In the first edition of its new online newsletter, Al Nafir, al Qaeda renews its oath of allegiance to Taliban leader Mullah Omar. The move is likely a response to the Islamic State’s claim that it rules over a caliphate with its leader, Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, serving as the new caliph. Last week, al Qaeda released a video of Osama bin Laden discussing his oath of allegiance to Mullah Omar.

Boko Haram leader fires back at Twitter campaign

In a new video claiming responsibility for recent attacks, Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau mocked the campaign to bring the kidnapped girls back, while threatening local leaders and calling for the release of Boko Haram members currently held in Nigerian prisons. A Nigerian military airstrike attempted to counter the latest Boko Haram attack in Borno state.

AQAP praises Ayman al Zawahiri, defends jihadist scholars against ‘slander’

Nasir al Wuhayshi, who is the emir of AQAP as well as al Qaeda’s general manager, has released a poem praising Ayman al Zawahiri as the “Sheikh father.” A video from two leading AQAP ideologues decrying the “slander” of jihadist leaders was released shortly afterwards. Al Qaeda members are trumpeting the messages as rebuttals to the Islamic State and its newly announced caliphate.