Category Archives: Long War Journal

US airstrikes in Amerli supported deadly Shia terror group

The League of the Righteous, which is responsible for killing hundreds of US soldiers, was part of the Iraqi force that liberated Amerli. The group is closely tied to Iran’s Qods Force and three of its leaders are Specially Designated Global terrorists.

Ansar Jerusalem beheads 4 Egyptians accused of being Israeli ‘spies’

A little more than one week after the Islamic State released a video featuring the beheading of an American photojournalist, Ansar Jerusalem has released a video online showing four Egyptian civilians being executed in the same manner. The video marks an escalation in the tactics Ansar Jerusalem is willing to broadcast in its propaganda.

Analysis: Boko Haram focuses on seizing territory

Boko Haram is seeking to hold territory in northeastern Nigeria. In a recent video, Boko Haram’s leader declared that his jihadists rule over the town of Gwoza as a “state among the Islamic states.” This was widely interpreted to mean an Islamic caliphate, but that does not appear to be the case.

Boko Haram’s new caliphate

In its ongoing offensive, Boko Haram has taken control of parts of northern Nigeria, establishing what its leader Abubakar Shekau calls a “caliphate” in the group’s latest video release.

Treasury designates 2 ‘key’ al Qaeda financiers

The Long War Journal first exposed one of the two, a jihadist known as Sanafi al Nasr, as a senior al Qaeda operative in March. Al Nasr is a senior al Qaeda leader who relocated from Pakistan to Syria last year. Treasury reveals that he previously served as the head of al Qaeda’s Iran-based network.

Islamic State beheads American reporter

James Wright Foley, a journalist who was captured in Syria by the Islamic State in November 2012, was executed on camera. The Islamic State threatened to kill another captive American reporter if the US military does not halt its air campaign against the jihadist group in northern Iraq.