Author Archives: Thomas Joscelyn

Thomas Joscelyn is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Senior Editor for FDD's Long War Journal.

US drone strike kills veteran jihadist turned senior AQIS official

Sheikh Imran Ali Siddiqi, a senior official in al Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent (AQIS), was killed in a US drone strike earlier this month. After 9/11, Imran founded Harkat-ul-Mujahideen al-Almi (HUMA), an al Qaeda-linked group thought to be responsible for an attack on the US Consulate in Karachi and other Western interests.

Lebanese soldier defects to al Qaeda’s Syrian branch

The Al Nusrah Front has announced that a Lebanese soldier, Mohammed Antar, has defected to the jihadist group. Al Nusrah has released a photo and video of Antar, which are part of the organization’s ongoing propaganda campaign against Iran, Hezbollah, and the Lebanese government.

US airstrikes target Al Nusrah Front, Islamic State in Syria

Jihadists on Twitter have posted pictures of Al Nusrah Front locations struck in the US bombing campaign in Syria. The strikes are aimed at the so-called Khorasan group, which has been planning attacks against the US and its interests, as well as a number of other targets. Jihadists claim that al Qaeda veterans have been killed in the bombings.

Al Qaeda branches urge jihadist unity against US

AQAP and AQIM have issued a joint statement encouraging the jihadists in Syria to unite in the face of the American-led opposition. However, the statement should not be read as an indication that they are breaking ranks from al Qaeda. The two groups also offer their condolences for the Ahrar al Sham leaders who were killed earlier this month.

Analysis: Al Nusrah Front explains decision to release UN peacekeepers

The Al Nusrah Front, al Qaeda’s official branch in Syria, explained its decision to release more than 40 UN peacekeepers in a video released earlier this week. The group disputes published reports saying that it demanded to be taken off the UN’s list of designated terrorist organizations. And it says the hostages were freed in compliance with sharia law.

Al Qaeda members mourn Ahrar al Sham, Islamic Front leaders on Twitter

Several influential al Qaeda members have used their Twitter feeds to mourn the slain leaders of Ahrar al Sham and the Islamic Front. The jihadists were killed in an explosion earlier today. One well-connected jihadist, who appears to be an al Qaeda media operative, claimed that the head of the Islamic Front had been in communication with Ayman al Zawahiri.

Head of Islamic Front, other senior leaders killed in explosion

The Islamic Front announced today that more than one dozen of its senior leaders were killed in a car bombing in Idlib. Among the slain leaders is Hassan Abboud, who was the leader of Ahrar al Sham and the head of the Islamic Front’s political office. Abboud was especially close to Ayman al Zawahiri’s representative in Syria.