Author Archives: Seth Frantzman

Reporting from Israel, Seth J. Frantzman is an adjunct fellow at FDD and a contributor to FDD’s Long War Journal. He is the acting news editor and senior Middle East correspondent and analyst at The Jerusalem Post. 
IDF soldiers

After a significant escalation, Hezbollah continues attacks in lower numbers

Hezbollah escalated attacks on Israel on July 13, followed by somewhat reducing attacks over the next two days. The IDF responded with a series of precision airstrikes on terrorist infrastructure in Tebnit, Rab El Thalathine, Ayta ash Shab, Odaisseh, Kfarkela, and Houla in southern Lebanon. In addition, two IDF units conducted training in northern Israel in case of further escalation.

IDF tank operating in Shejaiya

IDF releases its first probe into October 7 failures as the Shejaiya raid ends

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) released the first of a number of inquiries into the failures during the battles against Hamas terrorists in communities along the border of Gaza on October 7, 2023. The first inquiry focused on Kibbutz Beeri, where 101 civilians were killed and 30 taken hostage. The IDF also ended a two-week raid into Shejaiya, and Israel’s defense minister said 60 percent of Hamas terrorists had been eliminated in nine months.

IDF soldiers in northern Gaza

IDF uncovers 6 tunnels in Gaza’s Shejaiya neighborhood; Hezbollah rockets kill 2 Israelis in the north

Two Israelis were killed in a Hezbollah rocket barrage targeting the Golan Heights on July 9. Hezbollah claimed the attack was in response to the killing of one of its members. Israel faces multi-front threats, including from the Iranian-backed Houthis in Yemen and Iranian-backed militias in Iraq. The IDF uncovered six tunnels in the Shejaiya neighborhood in north Gaza and demolished them, the IDF said on July 9.

Gallant visits Mount Hermon

Hezbollah rocket barrage on Israel wounds several, including a US citizen

Hezbollah launched several barrages of rockets and anti-tank missiles at Israel on July 7. The attacks injured several people, including an IDF soldier, an Israeli civilian farmer, and a US citizen. Israel’s Minister of Defense visited Mount Hermon in the Golan Heights and said Hezbollah has lost 15 senior commanders, including three division commanders, in fighting over the last nine months.

IDF Mountain Brigade training

Hezbollah fires rockets at northern Israel after senior commander killed

The IDF eliminated Muhammad Nimah Nasser, the commander of Hezbollah’s Aziz Unit, the second senior Hezbollah commander eliminated in the last month. The IDF stated Nasser commanded a unit responsible for firing rockets and anti-tank missiles from southwestern Lebanon toward Israeli civilians. A new Israeli Mountain Brigade also completed a training in northern Israel.

IDF soldiers central Gaza

Tunnel destroyed and 100 terrorists eliminated in central Gaza

The Israel Defense Forces found a long tunnel in central Gaza and have eliminated around 100 terrorists in recent operations, the IDF said on July 1. On June 30, Israel also told civilians to evacuate Khan Younis after rocket fire, and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu conducted meetings with IDF commanders to discuss the war in Gaza.

Israel Defense Forces soldiers train in northern Israel

Hezbollah drone attack injures 18 IDF soldiers

Hezbollah increased its attacks on northern Israel with barrages on June 27 and June 28. It also carried out a series of drone attacks on June 30, injuring 18 IDF soldiers, one of them severely. The IDF responded to the attacks with a series of airstrikes on half a dozen locations in southern Lebanon.

Israeli troops conduct exercise in northern Israel

IDF trains for war in the north as Iranian proxies threaten attacks from Iraq and Yemen

Israeli IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and Israeli President Isaac Herzog visited northern Israel on June 25 and June 26 as Israel prepares for a possible war with Hezbollah. An Iranian-backed militia in Iraq launched a drone targeting Israel’s southern city of Eilat, and Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant continued his trip to Washington to shore up support and discuss the Iranian threat.

IDF Lieutenant General Herzi Halevi

Israel’s operations in Gaza are headed for a new phase

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant traveled to Washington, DC, where he discussed the next phase in Israel’s operations in Gaza. Separately, IDF Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi praised the IDF for its progress in defeating Hamas in Rafah and uncovering tunnels in the area.

Lieutenant General Herzi HaLevi

Hezbollah publishes drone footage of Israel as Nasrallah issues new warnings

Israel-Hezbollah tensions increased on June 18 and June 19. Hezbollah released drone footage showing sites in northern Israel, and the group’s leader, Hassan Nasrallah, threatened Cyprus and warned it against letting the IDF use its bases. IDF Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Herzi HaLevi and Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant held discussions with Israel’s Northern Command to discuss the situation.

INS Komemiyut

IDF increases naval strength with new logistics support vessel

The Israeli Navy took delivery of the INS Komemiyut, a new logistics support vessel (LSV), on June 16, the second of these new landing craft in the past year. The vessels are capable of transporting troops and large vehicles, expanding Israel’s operational range and joint-operations capability.

IDF soldiers in southern Gaza

IDF presses forward in Rafah after recent losses

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) lost 11 soldiers in several days of fighting in Gaza. In one of the deadliest incidents since the IDF’s ground operation began, eight soldiers were killed by an explosion targeting their armored personnel carrier on June 15. The IDF continues operations in Rafah against Hamas and other terrorist groups.

IDF soldiers training in northern Israel

Hezbollah continues wave of rocket fire as IDF trains for a northern war

Hezbollah launched more than 100 rockets at Israel on June 13, a day after it launched more than 215 rockets. The continuing escalation, the largest in eight months of war, led to calls by Israeli mayors for Israel to decide about confronting the increasing threats. Iran’s acting foreign minister warned Israel against attacking Lebanon as IDF brigades train for a possible war in the north.

IDF troops

Israel faces major Hezbollah escalation as Rafah battle continues

Hezbollah launched more than 215 rockets at Israel from Lebanon on June 12, its largest escalation of the war. The attacks came in the wake of Israel eliminating senior Hezbollah commander Taleb Sami Abdullah on June 11. The terrorist group also targeted areas along the Sea of Galilee in some of the deepest attacks it’s carried out since October 2023. In Gaza, the IDF’s 98th Division completed operations in central Gaza, and the IDF continues to operate in Rafah.

Hezbollah shoots down Israeli drone, targets warplane with surface-to-air missile

Hezbollah shot down a large Israeli Hermes 900 drone on June 10. The Iranian-backed terrorist group carried out numerous attacks across northern Israel, increasingly utilizing drones in its attacks. Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant visited northern Israel to conduct an assessment on June 9, the same day that Benny Gantz resigned from Israel’s war cabinet.

Hamas uses tunnel near Gaza border to attack IDF

Hamas terrorists attempted an attack on the border of Israel in the early hours of the morning on June 4. The IDF was alerted and responded to the presence of suspicious men near the border fence. The terrorists shot at the IDF soldiers, killing one. Three Hamas terrorists were eliminated. The attack showcases how Hamas continues to use tunnels to attempt infiltration attacks.

IDF uncovers long tunnel in Rafah as Hezbollah attacks in north

The Israel Defense Forces uncovered a tunnel that stretched for more than 1.2 miles with several branches near the Egyptian and the Rafah border crossings. At least 20 shafts were identified as entrances to the tunnel. In northern Israel, Hezbollah targeted Hufeish with drones. Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant flew over Gaza and northern Israel in an F-15, surveying the multi-front conflict.

With northern Israel aflame, IDF warns of ‘decision’ against Hezbollah

Fires in northern Israel caused by Hezbollah attacks threatened Israeli communities and compelled Israeli leadership to consider how to stop Hezbollah’s escalation. “We are approaching the point where a decision will have to be made, and the IDF is prepared and very ready for this decision,” Israel Defense Forces Chief of Staff Herzi HaLevi said on June 4.

IDF Pushes Forward in Rafah City

The Israel Defense Forces continued to expand operations in Rafah, primarily along the Egyptian border. They deployed new technology including unmanned M113 armored personal carriers, according to photos taken in Gaza. The IDF also clarified a strike on May 26 near Rafah which killed civilians: “following the strike, due to unforeseen circumstances, a fire ignited tragically taking the lives of Gazan civilians nearby.”

Israel confronts continued Hezbollah drone threats

Hezbollah and other Iranian-backed terrorist groups continue to use drones in attacks on Israel. Hezbollah appears to have increased its use of drones in recent weeks, using them as often or more often than rockets or missiles. Israel’s Chief of Staff traveled to northern Israel to meet with officers as part of a reserve brigade drill.

Complexity of delivering aid continues in Gaza

Humanitarian aid continues to enter Gaza via several crossings as the IDF expands operations in Rafah and Jabalya. The IDF’s Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) said 451 humanitarian aid trucks were inspected and transferred to the Gaza Strip through the Kerem Shalom Crossing and the Erez West Crossing on May 21. In addition, 12 trucks arrived by sea to the new US-built pier.

Israel’s Defense Minister Calls for Gaza Plan

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant called on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to reach a decision regarding the future of Gaza. “As long as Hamas retains control over civilian life in Gaza, it may rebuild and strengthen, thus requiring the IDF to return and fight, in areas where it has already operated,” he said. He also noted the challenges Israel faces on multiple fronts as two drones were downed by IDF warplanes overnight between May 14 and 15 and with Hezbollah launching more than 60 rockets at Israel.