Author Archives: Lisa Lundquist


Security services are investigating reports that T.M.T., a Palestinian in the Al Nusrah Front, is recruiting fighters for terrorist attacks in Lebanon and is in “constant contact” with al Qaeda in Syria, Pakistan, and Iraq; and that Ghazi A., a Lebanese man from Wadi Khaled, is working with Abdel-Mohsen H., a Lebanese explosives expert, to […]

Saudi Arabia

Pakistan extradited two wanted individuals to Saudi Arabia: Adel Felayeh Salim Al-Eneizi, who was on the kingdom’s 2009 wanted list; and Muhammad Hamid Al-Juhani, who was on the 2011 wanted list of “extremely dangerous” al Qaeda-linked terrorists. Upon arrival in Riyadh on May 3 the two were given medical checkups and allowed to see their […]


Ahmed Mitig, a Misrata businessman backed by Islamists, was named prime minister, but the president of the GNC instructed current prime minister Abdullah al Thinni to remain in office as Mitig lacked the requisite number of votes. Gunmen in 20 vehicles stormed an intelligence office in Tripoli on May 3, killing two people. Also on […]


Dagestani officials announced the conclusion of a counterterrorism operation in Khasavyurt in which three suspected militants, including a woman, were killed. A gunman shot a police officer in Khasavyurt prior to the raid.


Deputy President Ruto said Kenya would not be cowed into withdrawing troops from Somalia in the wake of recent Shabaab bombings in Mombasa and Nairobi. Ruto blamed judges for releasing terror suspects Jamal Mohammed Awadh and Suleiman Mohammed Sayyed, who allegedly died in the Mombasa blasts; he said 22 other suspected terrorists have also been […]


The leader of Boko Haram threatened to sell the 276 kidnapped schoolgirls. In a video released today, Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau claimed the kidnapping of the girls and said “Western education must end.” President Jonathan vowed to recover the girls, and said he had asked for military support from the US and closer security […]


Malaysian police have detained 11 militants suspected of domestic and international terrorism and planning to send fighters to Syria; the head of police said they are not suspected in the disappearance of missing flight MH 370. The search for the airliner is so far unsuccessful after 334 search flights. Heavily armed gunmen in army uniforms […]


The Al Nusrah Front said it would obey al Qaeda emir Ayman al Zawahiri’s directive to stop fighting with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham, unless the latter attacks first. About 60,000 Syrians are said to have fled towns in Homs since April 30 to escape clashes between Al Nusrah and Islamic fighters […]


Residents clashed with armed Syrian rebels in Arsal; three Lebanese men were wounded and two others possibly kidnapped. A senior Iranian military official claimed that Lebanon is now Iran’s first line of defense.


Ansar Bayt Maqdis claimed two suicide bombings that killed a soldier and wounded at least eight people on May 2 near Sharm El-Sheikh. Gunmen killed a retired senior army officer in al-Arish.


Twin bombings of two minibuses in Nairobi this evening killed three people and injured over 60. Yesterday twin bombings killed four people in Mombasa and an IED was discovered at a hotel in Nyali. Authorities suspect that the huge quantity of heroin, worth nearly $300 million, that was seized by the Australian navy off the […]


Security forces in Abuja detained eight suspected militants, mainly foreigners, in advance of this week’s World Economic Forum conference. The national labor union urged the government not to dismiss Boko Haram’s claim that it has a base in Abuja; a retired top general said Abuja is under siege. A Christian group released a list of […]


FBI Director Says Syrian Civil War Poses Growing Threat

Norwegian Islamist who fought for ISIS killed in Syria

A prominent young member of Norway’s radical Islamist community was recently killed while fighting in the ranks of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham. Norwegian authorities view the danger from returning Syrian jihadists as the most serious terrorism threat now facing Norway.


Members of the Syrian Sunni militant group Liwaa Ahrar al-Sunna clashed with Hezbollah fighters outside the border town of Brital. Baalbek residents protested Army security sweeps. Authorities detained 49 Syrian and Palestinian refugees who were trying to travel from Syria via Lebanon to another Arab country with false documents. The Army arrested seven wanted persons […]


Special operations forces killed Rais Mingaleyev and Beslan Nazipov, two wanted militants linked to an assassination attempt on a mufti in Tatarstan in 2012, during a raid overnight on May 1. Another counterterrorism operation was launched in the Karabudakhkent district of Dagestan on April 29.


An explosion at a bus stop in Mombasa killed three people and wounded seven more; another explosion occurred at a coastal resort in Nyali. Authorities claimed to have thwarted twin Shabaab attacks aimed at disabling power stations and conducting further attacks in northeastern Mandera, where militants tried to damage a power station; and in Wajir, […]


Hours after police defused a bomb planted in a lawmaker’s car, a Shabaab car bomb killed a top police officer in Mogadishu along with four other people. Gunmen killed four Jubaland soldiers in Kismayo. Puntland security forces captured 12 Shabaab members, including three women, in Bossaso last week. In Gedo, Ethiopian AMISOM troops detained a […]


The death toll rose in the clash between special forces and Ansar al Sharia in Benghazi, as eight special forces troops are said to have been captured and killed, in addition to the nine already reported dead. The government condemned Ansar al Sharia as a terrorist group that attacked legitimate government forces; it is reportedly […]


The recent death of Egzon Avdyli, a Norwegian of Albanian descent who was killed fighting alongside the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant in Syria, was celebrated by Norwegian Islamists as a martyrdom. Mehtab Afsar, Secretary General of the Islamic Council of Norway (IRN), who said he had had talks with Avdyli, advocated talking […]


Nine Muslims, including six women and children, were found shot dead in a suspected sectarian attack in Assam; 20 people have been arrested. The army repelled an infiltration attack along the Line of Control in Jammu & Kashmir. Security sources say Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence Directorate is trying to establish a base in Sri Lanka; a […]

United States

Ryan Crocker, who has served as US ambassador to Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Syria, Kuwait, and Lebanon, warned the US against making the “grave mistake” of a military intervention in Syria and said that forcible regime change would probably result in a Syria dominated by “the worst of the worst” extremists. Defense Secretary Hagel called for […]