Author Archives: Lisa Lundquist

United States

Claiming that US-supplied advanced weapons would be kept out of the hands of extremists, Syrian National Coalition president Ahmad Jarba asked the US for more weapons in order to “neutralize” the Assad regime’s air power. The Pentagon said the US is sending fewer than 10 uniformed military personnel, as well as a team of civilians, […]


About 1,200 civilians and rebels, including fighters with the Al Nusrah Front and other Islamist groups, exited Homs in a deal with the Assad regime; each fighter was allowed to keep a rifle; and each of the buses evacuating them was allowed to take a rocket launcher and a machine gun. As part of the […]

Al Qaeda

Paying Homage to Bin Laden, Pakistani Mosque Re-emerges as Bastion of Militancy


Fallujah-area Iraq unrest kills at least 295 since end of 2013


Intelligence agents arrested Arsal residents Hussein al-Hujairi and Hilal Amoun at a checkpoint in Hrabta in the Bekaa valley, and seized their car, which was loaded with weapons and RPGs. A rocket fired from an area near the Syrian border landed in Ain al-Jawzeh in the Bekaa valley; the Free Sunnis of Baalbek brigade claimed […]


The US Embassy warned of possible terrorist attacks in Kampala in May or June. Targets of the “specific threat” include places of worship, and particularly those attended by foreigners.


Denmark – Members of Islamist group controlling local football club


Visiting the restricted military zone of Mount Chaambi yesterday, President Marzouki offered to pardon those militants who do not have blood on their hands. The Army killed a wanted militant and wounded another in the Chaambi area on May 5. Riadh Chaiibi, a former leader of the Islamist Ennahda party and member of its shura […]


Boko Haram militants in armored vehicles stormed the town of Gamboru Ngala in Borno near the Cameroon border, killing at least 300 people, and burning down 200 vehicles and nearly all of the houses and shops, in a 12-hour rampage. Security forces guarding the town had withdrawn shortly before the attack, allegedly to pursue a […]


President Bouteflika called for the “utmost vigilance” against terrorism and urged support for the military’s ongoing efforts, in the wake of “a dangerous infiltration attempt by a heavily armed terrorist group, whose elements are from Mali, Libya, and Tunisia” that was recently foiled by security forces near Tinzaouatine in Tamanrasset. The operation is ongoing. On […]

United States

Secretary of State Kerry said the US is sending intelligence officials to help Nigerian security forces recover the nearly 300 kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls; the use of US military assets in the search for the girls is not anticipated. Secretary of Defense Hagel warned that the US cannot afford isolationism as “terrorists and insurgents are not […]

Saudi Arabia

The Interior Ministry announced the arrest of 62 persons accused of links to al Qaeda in Yemen and in Syria, where the suspects reportedly had ties with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham. The cell, made up of 59 Saudis, a Pakistani, a Yemeni, and a Palestinian, included 35 Saudi nationals who had […]


The Al Nusrah Front and the Islamic Front battled regime forces in Latakia, Aleppo, Hama, Reef Dimashq, and Deir Izzour, where they also clashed with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham. In Deraa, the Al Nusrah emir in Bosra Al Sham, Ali al-Nuaimi, was assassinated along with his wife in a bombing. Rebels […]


Members of the Al Nusrah Front drove from hideouts along the Syrian border to Arsal, where they kidnapped four Syrians. Fighters from Al Nusrah, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham, and the Free Syrian Army are thought to be living on the outskirts of Arsal. The Army arrested five people in southern Beirut […]

United Arab Emirates

Trial opened in the case of nine suspected al Qaeda members who are accused of forming, recruiting, and financing an al Qaeda cell; planning attacks; and trying “to extend their activities to other countries in the region.” Most of the nine suspects, who are all Arab nationals, are from North Africa; one is being tried […]


Authorities claimed that the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) has kidnapped 331 children in the last six months. According to a National Police report, the Kurdistan Communities Union and the PKK have set up 48 training centers throughout 10 provinces, instructing 8,500 young people in tactics and ideology.


Suspected Boko Haram gunmen kidnapped eight schoolgirls in Warabe, in Borno state near the Cameroon border; senior Boko Haram commander Mamman Nur, who reportedly trained with Shabaab, operates in the area. The Army spokesman said some of the nearly 300 girls kidnapped by Boko Haram are the daughters of defense headquarters personnel. Police recovered a […]


The GNC appointed Ahmed Maetig as prime minister, after he received one vote over the required 120. A Benghazi TV employee who had been reporting on the fighting between Ansar al Sharia and the Saiqa special forces survived an assassination attempt. In Derna, the offices that dispense pay for the army and police were bombed, […]


Saudi Arabia displays ballistic missiles for the first time


The Defense Ministry announced that 10 militants have been killed so far in an ongoing operation in Tamanrasset. Security forces also seized 12 Kalashnikovs, an RPG-7 rocket launcher, a GP58 grenade launcher, three ATVs, two motorcycles, and other items, including ammunition. Weapons were also found buried in the Col of Anai area.

United States

The State Department said the US will allow the Syrian National Coalition to establish a formal diplomatic office in Washington DC, upgrading its status from that of an informal liaison office; and announced a $27 million increase in nonlethal aid to the rebels, bringing the total so far to $287 million. State also said it […]


The Al Nusrah Front and the Islamic Front battled regime forces in Latakia; Reef Dimashq; Damascus; and Aleppo, where they were joined by the Jaysh al Muhajireen wal Ansar, and the Islamic Front used US-made TOW missiles. In Deraa, Al Nusrah released a rebel commander detained yesterday; 52 rebel groups agreed to allow Al Nusrah […]