Author Archives: Lisa Lundquist

United States

The US and partner nations carried out eight airstrikes in Iraq and seven in Syria against the Islamic State. US and Somali officials confirmed that a US airstrike yesterday in Somalia killed Abdishakur a.k.a. Tahliil, the head of Shabaab’s Amniyat, or secret service, along with another militant. The Treasury Department levied sanctions on nine individuals […]


The Foreign Ministry rejected claims in a November UN report that said arms for the Islamic State and the Al Nusrah Front are being smuggled primarily through Turkey. Increasing numbers of Turkish Jews are leaving the country due to security concerns. Mehmet Ali Ağca, who shot Pope John Paul II in 1981, was deported by […]


The Supreme Court decided in closed session yesterday to designate the Islamic State and the Al Nusrah Front as terrorist groups and ban them from Russia. The decision follows the defection of several Dagestani factions of the Caucasus Emirate to the Islamic State. Foreign Minister Lavrov warned that recent US sanctions against Russia will negatively […]

United Kingdom

Counterterrorism police arrested two men in Bedford and confiscated items from two homes there after a search. The two suspects were released on bail. The UK joined the US in rejecting a draft Palestinian UN resolution on statehood.


No proper training to investigate terror financing, Pakistani subcommittee finds


Suspect in 2008 Mumbai Attacks Is Held in Pakistan on New Charge


The sixth issue of Dabiq, the Islamic State’s English-language magazine, praised the deadly siege of a Sydney cafe by Man Haron Monis, and claimed that he had heeded the Islamic State’s call. Ahmad Mohamad al-Ghaz’zaoui, a Lebanese man from Sydney, has reportedly been killed in Syria while in the ranks of the Islamic State; he […]

United States

The US and partner nations carried out 12 airstrikes against the Islamic State in Syria and six against the group in Iraq. The US launched an airstrike in southern Somalia targeting a senior Shabaab leader. The State Department criticized a draft resolution on statehood that the Palestinians are planning to submit to the UN. Although […]


The Cameroonian Air Force launched two airstrikes today against Boko Haram fighters who had taken over a military camp in Assighasia, killing several fighters and sending the rest fleeing. The Cameroonian operation against the Boko Haram fighters is still underway. On Dec. 26, the military reportedly killed 100 Boko Haram fighters and arrested 200 more […]


Pakistani court orders conditional release of Mumbai attacks mastermind


Banser, the security branch of Nahdlatul Ulama, the country’s largest Muslim organization, has established a special unit, Densus 99 Asmaul Husna, to monitor the activities of the Islamic State in Indonesia. The head of Banser said extremist activity had been detected in Lamongan, Banyuwangi, Malang, and Kediri in East Java. President Widodo has asked Nahdlatul […]


Kurdish Sinjar offensive too late for some Yazidis

United States

The US formally ended the 13-year International Security Assistance Force combat mission in Afghanistan, marking the event with a ceremony in Kabul. Some 13,000 Coalition troops will remain in Afghanistan for NATO’s Resolute Support training mission. The US and partner nations carried out five airstrikes against the Islamic State in Iraq and eight against the […]

United Kingdom

End of an era as British palace sentries fall back in face of mounting fears of ‘lone wolf’ terrorist attacks


An improvised explosive device filled with shrapnel detonated in downtown Bengaluru (formerly Bangalore), killing a woman and wounding three other people. Authorities stepped up security in Delhi, Kolkata, Pune, and Mumbai. India banned the Islamic State on Dec. 16, three days after arresting Mehdi Masoor Biswas in Bengaluru for running a prominent Islamic State website.


Islamic State executed nearly 2,000 people in six months: monitor


Police arrested six people yesterday at the airport in Jakarta, including a couple and their child, as they attempted to fly to the Middle East to join the Islamic State. Following their arrest, counterterrorism police arrested the man who recruited them, identified as M.A., in a house in Cibubur, East Jakarta. The counterterrorism chief has […]


Girls tried to commit suicide: Former ISIS captive


Islamic State tests Jordan defenses with clashes along borders with Iraq, Syria

United States

The US and partner nations carried out six airstrikes against the Islamic State in Syria and six more in Iraq. President Obama claimed that Afghanistan will no longer be a source of terrorist attacks.