Author Archives: Lisa Lundquist

Saudi Arabia

Two militants blew themselves up inside a government building in the Sharurah area, near the Wadia border post in Yemen that was attacked by a group of al Qaeda fighters yesterday. The two militants had been surrounded by Saudi forces who were searching for the attackers, who had also killed a Saudi border patrol officer.


In Iraq, Islamic State jihadists destroy ancient mosques, shrines


A Shabaab suicide car bombing outside the main gate of Parliament in Mogadishu killed four people, including two policemen. Seven children were among the many wounded in the attack, which took place at a checkpoint.


A car bomb in Benghazi killed a Saiqa special forces officer and injured his son; a car bomb in March killed the officer’s brother. An air force officer was murdered in Benghazi yesterday. Nineteen people have been murdered in Benghazi since the start of Ramadan, including three Salafist imams; the killing of the imams is […]

Al Qaeda

How a talented footballer became world’s most wanted man, Abu Bakr al Baghdadi


Some 200 heavily armed Boko Haram heavily gunmen stormed Damboa in Borno state yesterday, killing at least 12 soldiers, four policemen, and four civilians, and destroying the police headquarters as well as homes and shops. Security forces and aircraft responded to the attack, reportedly killing 50 terrorists. Boko Haram also carried out a suicide car […]


A former Turkish fighter with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham in Syria claimed that as many as 6,000 Turks have gone to Syria to fight, “thousands” have joined the Islamic State, and that of an estimated 23,000 ISIS fighters in Syria, 17,000 have sworn to fight in the organization until they die. […]


Malaysian police confirmed that wanted Malaysian terrorist Zulkifli Abdhir, also known as Marwan, is alive and may be working with Abu Sayyaf in the Philippines; he had previously been reported killed in an airstrike in the Philippines in February 2012. Authorities are seeking to arrest Abdhir, an expert bombmaker with global jihadist links. Malaysian authorities […]


Iraq lacks ability to fly F-16s it seeks, US trainer says


The Islamic State took over the al Tanak oil field in eastern Deir Izzour, and is also advancing north up the Euphrates River toward the Turkish border. Elsewhere in Deir Izzour, 30 IS fighters broke out of an Al Nusrah Front jail in Al Hawayej, and residents of Al Shhil have turned over their weapons […]


A suspected al Qaeda suicide car bombing at the Wadia border crossing in Hadramout province killed one soldier and wounded another. After Yemeni security forces gave chase, the attackers fled in two cars into the desert, then reportedly carried out an attack on the Saudi side of the border post, where they killed a Saudi […]


Iraq crisis: ISIS rebels ‘hunt opponents’, say refugees

United Kingdom

About 100 British imams issued an appeal for UK Muslims to support those affected by the crisis in Syria and Iraq “from the UK in a safe and responsible way,” not by traveling to the region. A news report claimed that in 2012, the UK military was considering plans to train and equip a 100,000-strong […]


In Deir Izzour, the Islamic State took over Boqros after the Al Nusrah Front, Ahrar al Sham, and other Islamic Front factions withdrew; the IS also took control of the Attank oilfield from a sharia body consisting of Al Nusrah, the Army of Islam, and other Islamic Front factions; and negotiated terms for the surrender […]


A grenade was thrown into a Tripoli bakery that was open during Ramadan fasting hours. A judge called for the death sentence for a Syrian woman who possessed detonators and had passed them on to an accomplice. Security forces are bracing for an attack at Roumieh prison; two inmates have been managing a terror network […]


The military claimed it killed 17 jihadists in clashes in the Sinai and arrested three more in Rafah. A bomb exploded at the Sidi Gaber train station in Alexandria, wounding at least five people. On the one-year anniversary of the ouster of former president Mohamed Morsi, Muslim Brotherhood supporters staged protests in Cairo, Alexandria, Asiut, […]


Prominent lawmaker Ahmed Mohamud Hayd was killed along with his bodyguard in a drive-by shooting in Mogadishu that was claimed by Shabaab; another lawmaker, Abdullahi Ahmed Hussein Onka, and a secretary were wounded in the attack. Shabaab spokesman Abdulaziz Abu Musab threatened that the group would target other lawmakers for assassination if they do not […]


The US Embassy warned of a “specific” terrorist threat to Entebbe Airport. Security has been heightened in the city, and police said that terrorists had already conducted trial runs of the attack. Shabaab suicide bombers killed 70 people in a 2010 attack in Kampala during the World Cup, and the group has threatened to attack […]


Unarmed Drones Aid UN Peacekeeping Missions in Africa