Author Archives: Lisa Lundquist


Israel says shoots down Gaza drone as calls for truce mount


After eight suspected Abu Sayyaf gunmen ambushed a police guardpost at a Mabul Island resort late on July 12, killing one policeman and kidnapping another, authorities launched a search for the attackers. Some officials noted that the attackers came with intent to kill. The navy has been given permission to shoot intruders if necessary to […]


Abu Muhammad al Julani, the emir of the Al Nusrah Front, is said to be moving freely between the provinces of Idlib and Aleppo. Al Nusrah and the Liwa al Tawhid brigade are reported to be the main rebel groups defending Aleppo from attacks by both regime forces and the Islamic State. Al Nusrah and […]


Maher Rahhal, the head of the Syrian rebel group Liwa al-Mujahideen Brigade, was shot dead in Amman by two Syrian suspects in an alleged “family feud.” Authorities discussed how to calm tensions between police and residents in Maan, said to be a hotbed of Islamist activity. A government spokesman reiterated Jordan’s intention not to host […]


In a clash between Hezbollah fighters and Syrian rebels near Arsal, one Hezbollah fighter and three Syrians were killed, and at least 10 from each side were wounded. Israeli forces fired flares near Aita al-Shaab after rockets were launched from Lebanon towards Israel. Italian UN peacekeepers briefly arrested journalists covering the rocket launches near Tyre.


Underage fighters sacrificing childhoods to wage war in Iraq and Syria

Palestinian Territories

Israeli ground forces carried out their first operation Gaza today, after dropping leaflets in the northern city of Beit Lahiya warning residents to leave their homes. Thousands fled as Israeli forces planned to target enemy rocket infrastructure built in between houses in the city of 70,000. About 160 Palestinians, half of them civilians, have reportedly […]


Hamas’ Al Qassem Brigades launched missiles into Tel Aviv, the suburb of Rishon LeZion, and Haifa; Israeli officials said the Iron Dome defense system intercepted two missiles. Over 100 rockets were fired towards Israel from Gaza today, bringing the total to over 630 so far in the conflict. Israeli forces shelled the source of a […]


Islamist militants launched a mortar attack on a military post in El Arish, killing seven civilians and a soldier and injuring a child. Three bombs exploded near a Cairo electricity pylon, briefly cutting off power in a western suburb. Egyptian officials are concerned about the presence of Islamist militant camps in Libya near the Egyptian […]


Islamist militias, including the Central Libya Shield, Marsa Misratan Brigade, Hateen, 27th Mobile Infantry, and the Libyan Revolutionaries Operation Room, surrounded and attacked Tripoli’s airport, trying to take control from the Zintani militias that have been defending it. Seven people have been killed and 36 wounded so far in the clash; all flights have been […]


French Foreign Minister LeDrian announced the end of Operation Serval in Mali and the commencement of a new counterterrorism operation called Operation Barkhan, which will see 1,000 French soldiers left in Mali and 3,000 more deployed to Mauritania, Burkina Faso, Niger, and Chad. The operation, which will be based in Chad and employ drones, helicopters, […]


Three soldiers and four municipal guards were killed by a roadside bomb while on patrol in the western province of Sidi Bel Abbes yesterday. Al Qaeda-linked militants are suspected in the attack.


Police announced the discovery of a Boko Haram plot to bomb motor parks in Abuja, the capital city. Boko Haram issued a video taking credit for recent bombings in Lagos that the government had blamed on gas leaks, mocking attempts to rescue the kidnapped schoolgirls, and stating support for the leaders of the Islamic State, […]


In Baghdad, middle-class Sunnis say they prefer militants to Maliki


ISIS in control of 60 percent of Syrian oil: sources


The Islamic State now controls about 60% of Syria’s oil, having taken over most of the oilfields in Raqqah and Deir Izzour, and is advancing on the Kurdish-held oilfields in Hasakah. Responding to rumors that it had announced the creation of an Islamic emirate, the Al Nusrah Front said that while it seeks to establish […]


The head of Hamas’ International Relations Department claimed that Hamas and Hezbollah have “constant field cooperation and coordination.” Hezbollah has reportedly sent reinforcements to aid Assad regime troops in Damascus. Lebanese forces arrested a member of Jemaah Islamiyah in the Bekaa Valley who allegedly fired rockets at Israel yesterday; three more rockets were launched towards […]


Jordan is reluctant to host an expanded US program to train and equip Syrian rebels. On July 9, Jordanian soldiers fired at and wounded three Islamic State gunmen who were trying to cross into Jordan from Syria for medical treatment; jihadist sources say about 2,200 Jordanians are fighting in the ranks of Islamist rebels in […]


Interior Minister Hassad said security has been heightened due to a “serious terrorist threat” from extremists affiliated with terrorist groups in Iraq and Syria. Authorities say over 1,000 Moroccans are fighting in Syria.


Inside the leadership of Islamic State: how the new ‘caliphate’ is run