Author Archives: Lisa Lundquist


ISIS Uses Andre Poulin, a Convert to Islam, in Recruitment Video


Imprisoned radical cleric Abu Qatada issued a 21-page statement calling the Islamic State’s “caliphate” void and accusing IS emir Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi of heresy. Protests organized by the Muslim Brotherhood were held in Amman and Irbid, denouncing Israel’s Gaza offensive.


Faraj Al Shibli, a suspect in the September 2012 attack on the US Mission in Benghazi, was found dead on July 13 outside the city of Marj. Shibli a.k.a. Chalabi, who was a member of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group and was questioned by the FBI while in Libyan custody in 2013 but was released, […]


A government employee arrested after last week’s attacks on the presidential compound in Mogadishu told authorities he was recruited by Shabaab two years ago and that he had helped provide intelligence on military losses and potential targets. Two days ago, suspected Shabaab militants killed Somalia’s deputy chief for counterterrorism and one of his bodyguards in […]


Suspected Boko Haram militants killed over 27 people in Sabon Gari in Borno state. Police arrested Mohammed Zakari, 30, a top Boko Haram operative and self-professed “chief butcher,” along with other insurgents fleeing counterterrorism operations in Balmo forest in Bauchi state. Aminu Ogwuche, a key planner of the Boko Haram the bombing at Nyanya, was […]


Residents and businesses are suffering from insecurity due to Shabaab attacks in the coastal province of Lamu; leaflets are circulating warning non-Muslims to leave. Foreign Secretary Mohammed said Kenya’s travel advisory warning Kenyans about the UK’s Heathrow airport due to the danger of al Qaeda terror attacks was not retaliatory; the UK had recently warned […]

United States

A district court judge sentenced Babar Ahmad, a British cyberjihadist who ran websites supporting the Taliban and other terrorist groups, to 12 and a half years in prison with credit for time served; Ahmad could be released in less than a year. Prosecutors had sought a 25-year sentence due to concerns Ahmad will return to […]


Gaza Toll Hits 194, First Israeli Killed as Netanyahu Announces Broadening Military Operation


Dozens of rockets were fired at Tripoli airport, aircraft were hit, the control tower caught fire, and as many as 15 people were killed and 70 wounded in clashes. About 90% of the planes at the airport are said to have been damaged, and many of them are completely destroyed. The government is considering asking […]


Legendary Marine Maj. Zembiec, the ‘Lion of Fallujah,’ died in the service of the CIA


United Kingdom – ‘I would fight in Syria today if I could’


Security forces in Aouina and Sidi Bouzid uncovered a terrorist network that smuggles hunting guns from Libya into Tunisia. The Interior Ministry is seeking to arrest three suspected terrorists: Tunisian national Hichem Ben Mohamed Ben Abderrazzek Berrebeh, and Algerian citizens Khaled Hamadi Chaied and Mohamed Amine Mahkouka. Arrest warrants have been issued for six of […]


A suicide car bomb attack on French troops patrolling in the Al Moustarat region north of Gao killed one French soldier and wounded at least six others. In a goodwill gesture ahead of peace talks between the Malian government and separatist rebels in the north, 41 Tuareg prisoners were exchanged for 45 soldiers held by […]


Hamas homemade rocket industry bypasses crumbling supply lines


The Islamic State pushed the Al Nusrah Front, the Islamic Front, and allied rebels out of Deir Izzour city, consolidating its hold over the province of Deir Izzour. The Islamic State also shot an Al Nusrah emir in Deir Izzour, killed civilians in a suicide car bombing targeting a Kurdish YPG camp in Hasakah, blew […]


Qatar to buy Patriot missiles in $11 billion arms deal: US


For the fourth day in a row, rockets were fired from south Lebanon into Israel; Israeli forces retaliated by shelling the source. Lebanese security forces found two rocket launch pads south of Tyre, and arrested a suspect near the Rashidieh refugee camp. The Army is searching for militants who many have entered Lebanon from Syria […]


Iraqi army remains on defensive as extent of June debacle becomes clearer


ISIS defector speaks of life inside brutal jihadist group


Kenyan forces, including aircraft, searched the forests of Gorji and Belasange in Lamu county, looking for suspected Shabaab fighters who have attacked and raided villages and farms in the area. During a raid in the forests of Kilifi county, seven members of the secessionist MRC were arrested, and guns and weapons were confiscated; some 1,000 […]


At least seven people have been killed and 36 wounded, and homes were damaged by rockets, in clashes between rival militias in Tripoli; the airport has been closed. The only airport still operating is Labraq in Beida. In Benghazi, six people were killed and 25 were wounded, including Saiqa special forces members, in clashes between […]