Author Archives: Lisa Lundquist


The Islamic State clashed with regime forces in Hasakah, where it used NDF fighters and three suicide bombers to storm a Ba’ath headquarters in Hasakah city, killing at least 14 soldiers; arrested people in western Deir Izzour; battled the Islamic Front and Jabhat al-Akrad in Ikhtren, and fought the Kurdish YPG near Jarabalus in Aleppo; […]


In Benghazi, eight people were killed and 19 injured, some critically, in ongoing clashes between Ansar al Sharia and the forces of Operation Dignity, which have been bolstered by Ibrahrim Jadhran’s militia as well as the Al-Ahdaf Al-Hayawiya from Tobruk and Beida. Turkey urged its citizens to leave Libya. The Central Bank has been trying […]


A suspected Boko Haram bombing at a bus park in a largely Christian area of the predominantly Muslim city of Kano killed “scores” of passengers. In Borno state, Boko Haram militants killed the district head and 11 others in Garubula, killed two vigilante youth in Gamboru Ngala near the Cameroon border, shot dead five people […]


The security police warned of a “credible” threat of a terrorist attack within the next few days against targets in Norway by people connected with Islamic extremists in Syria. The attack was reportedly planned in Europe. Security measures have been stepped up, and both the City Hall and the Royal Palace in Oslo were closed […]


UN: Islamic State ‘orders female genital mutilation’ for women in Mosul


The public prosecutor is investigating Abu Bilal Ismail, a Danish imam from the Grimhøj mosque in Aarhus, after he recently told worshipers at the Al Nusrah mosque in Berlin that they should kill Jews “to the very last one” and “[m]ake them suffer terribly.” Ismail has also encouraged Danes to travel to Syria for jihad. […]


Ban voices “outrage” at placement of rockets in UN-administered school in Gaza

United States

Lawmakers questioned State and Defense department officials over the US’ policy in Iraq; they were told there is no military solution to Iraq’s conflict but asked why Iraqi requests for US strikes against Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham camps since August 2013 were dismissed. A top State official said the US is now […]


British Columbia resident Hasibullah Yusufzai, 25, became the first Canadian charged with traveling abroad for the purpose of terrorist training; he allegedly traveled to Syria in January to join an Islamist group and has not returned. At least 130 Canadians are said to be engaged in extremist activity abroad. Last week Misbahuddin Ahmed, 34, a […]


The Islamic State clashed with regime forces in Raqqah and Hama; battled YPG forces and the Islamic Front in Aleppo; and opened fire on anti-IS protesters in Deir Izzour. The Al Nusrah Front issued a statement denouncing the “spoilers” who exploit the conflict situation by depriving Muslims of food and other necessities, as well as […]


The Al Nusrah Front posted video of a Lebanese soldier who defected to join the terror group. A Palestinian who was kidnapped in Baalbek was released after a $100,000 ransom was paid. Four rockets launched from the Syrian border area landed in Bekaa Valley towns.


In a Syrian City, ISIS Puts Its Vision Into Practice


Shabaab gunmen in Mogadishu assassinated Saado Ali Warsame, a former folksinger in her 70s who was one of Somalia’s few female lawmakers; her driver was also killed. Somali women had recently protested the lack of women in Parliament. Shabaab fighters attacked army troops in Mogadishu last night, and a number of Shabaab fighters are said […]


Following the killing of at least 14 people after Ansar al Sharia attacked a Saiqa Special Forces camp in Benghazi, the Saiqa commander called for reinforcements, urging the government as well as all Libyans to stand up against the “terrorist groups.” Ansar al Sharia carried out twin suicide car bomb attacks on Saiqa Camp 319 […]


Suspected Boko Haram militants killed at least 82 people in two bombings in Kaduna state. The first attack was carried out by a suicide bomber reportedly targeting the convoy of Sheikh Dahiru Bauchi, who had just given a Ramadan lecture. The body of a crew member of a helicopter that crashed in Borno state is […]

United States

Azamat Tazhayakov, a friend of accused Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, was found guilty of obstruction of justice in the case; another friend, Stephen Silva, was arrested and accused of providing a gun used to kill a policeman during the manhunt after the bombing. The State Department warned citizens against travel to Israel, the West […]


Militants from the Bangsamo Islamic Liberation Front attacked security forces in two towns in Maguindanao province yesterday, killing one soldier and wounding two others; 17 militants were killed in the clash, including a close aide to BIFF leader Ameril Ombra Kato. The BIFF disputed the army’s report. Army operations are continuing in the area.


Outspoken Islamist cleric Musa Cerantonio arrived in Australia after being deported from the Philippines, where he had been arrested in the company of a Filipina fashion designer in Cebu. Cerantonio, who has supported the Islamic State and claimed to be traveling to Syria to join it, was freed on arrival but his passport was canceled […]