Author Archives: Lisa Lundquist


Islamic State takeover of Iraq town sparks ‘humanitarian tragedy’: UN


Following two days of clashes in Arsal between the Al Nusrah Front and Lebanese forces, Army Chief Kawaghi said 10 soldiers had been killed, 25 wounded, and 13 more were missing. He also said the capture of Al Nusrah commander Imad Jomaa, who was detained while putting on the “final touches” for a long-planned attack […]


As many as nine female street cleaners in Mogadishu were killed by a bomb blamed on Shabaab. Ethiopian peacekeeping troops clashed with Shabaab near Garbaharay yesterday and arrested six people, including Somali officials, for fomenting violence in the city. Shabaab gunned down a member of Parliament in Mogadishu on July 28. Puntland suspended cooperation with […]


Authorities have announced the arrest of a 25-year-old Syrian man who arrived at Charleroi Airport in Brussels with two false French passports and a USB stick with video of jihadist killings and propaganda. The man was arrested on Aug. 1 on suspicion of belonging to the Al Nusrah Front; his lawyer claimed the suspect was […]


Fighting is renewed in Libyan capital as shells continue to fall


Intermittent fighting between the Zintani and Islamist militias continued in Tripoli, and another fuel tank near the airport was set on fire. The UK said it is pulling out its diplomatic staff from Libya and relocating them to Tunis in Tunisia. After thousands demonstrated yesterday in Benghazi against Islamist forces including Ansar al Sharia and […]


Police took custody of 17 radical Islamists in Sousse who had violently interfered with preaching at a mosque. Tunisian and Egyptian authorities tried to speed up the evacuation of 6,000 Egyptians fleeing Libya into Tunisia for eventual return to Egypt. Tunisian authorities are seeking ways to prevent terrorists from entering the country from Libya. A […]


French police arrested a 37-year-old French-Moroccan jihadist at Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris, shortly after the man arrived from Istanbul after being expelled by Turkish authorities. The Arles native was allegedly conspiring to carry out terrorist attacks in France.


US Senate unanimously approves $225m funding for Israel’s Iron Dome


While a large part of Benghazi has fallen to Ansar al Sharia and allies including the Libya Shield and the February 17 Brigade, Operation Dignity vowed to defend a protest tonight against the Islamists. Ansar al Sharia, which claimed to have taken over the city, has destroyed Benghazi’s main police station, and no police, army, […]


Security forces on patrol in Fouzaia in the governorate of Jendouba clashed with a terrorist group yesterday. Terrorists attacked security forces in Ain Debba in Jendouba. The Tunisian Red Crescent denied reports that a Tunisian doctor was killed in an Israeli raid in Gaza. Syphax Airlines, a private Tunisian carrier, denied “rumors” that it had […]


Of the 66 Belgians known to be in Libya, seven left on aboard a Greek ship, 10 told the Belgian Embassy they wanted to leave, and 50 dual nationals prefer to remain in the troubled country. Last month Luxembourg police working with Spanish counterterrorism authorities arrested Belgian national Abou Nouh a.k.a. Davide De Angelis, a […]


Demonstrators in support of the Islamic State were reportedly expected to take part in protests today at The Hague against police violence. Dutch police warned those planning to appear at a protest on Aug. 3 in Amsterdam against the Gaza offensive that Nazi symbols, Hitler salutes, the Islamic State flag, and flag burning will not […]

United Kingdom

Al Qaeda’s black flag was displayed by protesters who blocked an east London tunnel last week shouting “Free Palestine” and leaving motorists temporarily trapped. An organization that tracks attacks on the UK’s Jewish community noted that antisemitic incidents had risen 36% between January and June, to a total of 304, and that there have been […]


Authorities claimed to have killed nine “terror suspects” and captured another in Hotan prefecture in Xinjiang province. Two days ago, the imam of China’s biggest mosque was killed by knife-wielding ‘religious extremists’ in Kashgar in Xinjiang.


Mohammed Deif: Elusive Hamas Military Chief Defying Israel


Israel, Palestinian militant groups agree to three-day Gaza truce


Interactive: France’s new game plan to counter jihadism in Africa


French military forces arrested Yoro Ould Daha, a former leader of the Movement for Oneness and Jihad in West Africa, earler this week at his home in Gao. Algeria has said bad weather, not a terrorist attack, caused the July 24 passenger jet crash in the Malian desert.


Fighting resumed in southern Tripoli near the airport between Islamists and Zintani militias defending the airport. The police presence was reportedly scarce in Benghazi, where the Red Crescent collected at least 35 bodies from the Saiqa Special Forces base in Buatni that was taken over by Ansar al Sharia. Last night several hundred demonstrators marched […]