Author Archives: Lisa Lundquist


A brief humanitarian truce in Arsal fell apart after Islamist militants resumed attacks on the Army. The militants, who include fighters from the Al Nusrah Front and from the Islamic State, released several kidnapped security forces but still hold dozens more. Hezbollah said its fighters have not participated in the clashes and that it has […]


A joint Warshefana and Zinanti force took Camp 27, a military base that had fallen into the hands of Islamists, from the Libya Shield, in an attack that left eight fighters dead and 60 wounded. The joint force yesterday destroyed a base in Janzour used by the Fursan Janzour Brigade, which is allied with the […]


UN says jihadis killed 40 minority children in northwestern Iraq


Security forces arrested three terrorists last night in Régueb in Sidi Bouzid; they are allegedly associates of Afif Lamouri, an Ansar al Sharia leader in Sidi Bouzid who was arrested on July 31. A Tunis court today issued a warrant for the arrest of Lamouri, a communications official for the terror group. Security forces raided […]


Spanish authorities said Mohamed Hamdouch a.k.a. Kokito, a Moroccan from Fdineq who heads an Islamic State brigade in Syria, has appeared in a recent Islamic State video with the heads of slaughtered victims. His wife Asia reportedly shares his jihadist goals. Over 3,000 Moroccan jihadists are said to be fighting in Syria and Iraq.


The Interior Ministry expelled Raoudi Albdelbar, a Moroccan imam who preached a sermon advocating the annihilation of Jews at mosque near Venice last month. Interior Minister Alfano said his decision was taken after investigation by counterterrorism police, and he warned of the consequences of hate preaching in Italy.


Larijani adviser: Syria relies on ‘excessive force’


Up to 10,000 Egyptians stranded at Libya-Tunisia border


The Islamic State killed seven members of an Ismaili family in Salamiya; and stormed the town of Srehin in Hama, shooting an official and kidnapping two other people. The Islamic State clashed with regime forces in Raqqah; battled Kurdish YPG forces in Ayn al Arab in Aleppo; and killed at least 15 people in Deir […]


After three days of clashes with Islamist militants around Arsal, the army said 14 soldiers were killed, 86 wounded, and 22 are missing; at least 50 civilians and some 50 militants are also said to have been killed. The government vowed to protect Arsal, demanding the militants’ withdrawal and refusing to cut a deal. A […]

Palestinian Territories

Hamas reportedly agreed to the 72-hour-preliminary Gaza ceasefire proposed by Egypt. As of Aug. 1, the Israeli campaign in Gaza had resulted in the deaths of 1,592 Palestinians and had hit 3,834 targets in Gaza. A brief truce earlier today was broken after attacks blamed on both sides. Representatives from Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and other […]


Israel accepted a Gaza ceasefire plan that will start with a preliminary 72-hour truce beginning tomorrow morning. Israeli officials will work out further details of the ceasefire over the next few days in Egypt. As of Aug. 1, at least 2,909 rockets had been fired at Israel from Gaza and 66 Israelis had been killed. […]


The Army said 11 militants were killed in shootouts with security forces during a north Sinai raid yesterday. On Aug. 2, security forces carried out raids on terrorist hideouts in Arish and Sheikh Zuwaid. Intelligence chief Mohamed Farid met with Palestinians about a proposed Gaza ceasefire. The trial of Mohamed al-Zawahiri, brother of al Qaeda […]


After weeks of delay, the new Parliament met today for the first time, in Tobruk, not in Tripoli as the Islamists had demanded. A number of Islamist lawmakers were not present at the meeting, but 158 out of 188 elected members of parliament did attend the Tobruk session, as well as representatives from the UN […]


Spanish authorities arrested two Spanish girls, one 19 years old and the other 14, as they tried to cross over from Melilla into Morocco to join a cell of the Islamic State. The Interior Ministry said the girls’ “radicalization, recruitment and later dispatch … were perfectly planned … by a network that operates across north […]


A court remanded Mehdi Nemmouche, a French-Algerian jihadist suspected in the killing of four people at a Jewish museum in Brussels, to a month in custody after charging him with “murder in a terrorist context.” Authorities are continuing their investigation of the suspect, who spent over a year fighting in the ranks of the Islamic […]


Special Report : The doubt at the heart of Iraq’s Sunni ‘revolution’

United Kingdom

Army head General Peter Wall said UK forces may have to return to Afghanistan “if the Taliban were to be resurgent and al Qaeda was again establishing sanctuaries.” There are now about 4,100 UK troops in Afghanistan. A former British judge warned that the social media boasts of British jihadist Reyaad Khan, who has claimed […]


Airstrike Near UN School Kills 10 as Israel Shifts Troops in Gaza


The Islamic State battled regime forces in Aleppo; Hama; Hasakah; Raqqah; Deir Izzour, where the IS also clashed with tribal gunmen and the Islamic Front; and in Reef Dimashq, where the IS fought along with the Al Nusrah Front and the Islamic Front in Qalamoun. The Islamic State told media activists on Aug. 1 in […]


Israel says has evidence 47% of Gaza dead were combatants