Author Archives: Lisa Lundquist


A female suicide bomber detonated at a police station in downtown Istanbul, killing one policeman and wounding another; the attack came less than a week after the DHKP-C (Revolutionary People’s Liberation Party-Front) threw a grenade at police near the prime minister’s office and threatened further attacks. A Dutch journalist was arrested on terrorism charges but […]

United Kingdom

A 32-year-old man was arrested by counterterrorism police in Stratford, east London, after being detained yesterday for possession of an offensive weapon. Scotland Yard warned owners of unarmed drones to avoid flying them in restricted areas, such as around landmarks. The websites of a school and a church in North Yorkshire were hacked by Islamic […]

United States

The US and partner nations have carried out 14 airstrikes in Syria and six in Iraq against the Islamic State since yesterday morning. The US military is considering whether to provide protective upgrades for the Iraqi Army’s 140-plus tanks. In response to a recent suggestion by Afghanistan’s president that the timeline for the US military’s […]


US troops training Iraqi military at bases in Anbar, Taji


Turkey’s new legal definitions lead to increase in arrests


A senior Foreign Ministry official said that an agreement with the US is expected to be reached this month on the training and equipping of Syrian rebels in Turkey. Negotiations continue over the nature of the rebels to be trained, the use of İncirlik airbase for coalition operations, and the creation of a no-fly zone […]


Former Syrian jihadist Jejoen Bontinck, a defendant and witness in an ongoing trial against Sharia4Belgium, was arrested at the airport in Brussels as he was attempting to fly to Turkey with his girlfriend. Interior Minister Jambon said Belgium is planning to launch a deradicalization program to discourage would-be jihadists, after being asked to do so […]

United States

The US and partner nations have carried out six airstrikes in Syria and one in Iraq against the Islamic State since yesterday morning. A US drone strike today on the compound of a Taliban commander in North Waziristan, Pakistan killed at least eight foreign militants, reportedly including a “high-value target.”


At least 100 dead in Burundi attack by rebel group – military source


The Shin Bet disclosed that in November it had arrested several Palestinian members of an Islamic State-inspired cell in Hebron who planned to attack Israeli interests and kill an Israeli soldier. Security forces said that the men had acted alone.


Boko Haram fighters took over a Nigerian military base in the Borno state town of Baga yesterday, killing a number of people and sending others fleeing into neighboring Chad. The base housed Nigerian, Chadian, and Nigerien troops from a joint task force. Suspected Boko Haram fighters also stormed the town of Babban Gida in Yobe […]


Mayor of Mali town killed as clashes and abuses spike in north


Syrian troops foil IS attack in Deir al-Zour province

United States

A US appellate court denied requests by the attorneys for Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev to delay the trial and move it out of Boston. Abu Anas al Libi a.k.a. Nazih Abdul Hamed al Ruqai, a senior al Qaeda operative and suspect in the 1998 US embassy bombings, has died in the US less […]


Palestinians Submit Papers to UN to Join International Criminal Court


The US Embassy issued a warning about a security threat to US-linked banks and hotels in Surabaya. Indonesia’s Supreme Court reversed its earlier conviction of Saudi citizen Al Khelaiw Ali Abdullah, who had been found guilty of helping finance the twin terrorist attacks in 2010 on the Ritz-Carlton and JW Marriott hotels in Jakarta. The […]


France wants action on Libya, stops short of African calls for intervention