Author Archives: Lisa Lundquist


Fighting escalated in Tripoli, and the Islamist Misratan forces shelled the largely Zintani-supporting neighborhood of Ghut Shaal. Suspected Islamist gunmen yesterday assassinated Tripoli security head Colonel Mohamed Al Suwaisi, a supporter of Operation Dignity. In Benghazi, Ansar al Sharia forces have deployed to a new checkpoint within striking distance of the Saiqa Special Forces base […]


The Jordanian Armed Forces denied reports that Syrian jets had violated Jordanian airspace. A JAF source warned against the publication of “false news” that can result in harm to the national security.


The Islamic State released a video of seven captured Lebanese soldiers; negotiations for the release of some 35 kidnapped security forces are said to be ongoing. The military court has received the cases of captured Islamist commander Imad Jomaa and nine other militants arrested during recent clashes in Arsal.


Why is Turkey supporting Islamic State fighters in Iraq?–commentary


Sweden’s intelligence service is investigating reports that during a TV interview, an Islamic State supporter from Sweden named Sheikh Ahmed threatened violence in the country and war against Sweden and Europe. An estimated 80 Swedes are said to be fighting for rebel groups in Syria. An Uzbek imam who was shot in northern Sweden in […]


President Hollande promised that “in the coming hours” France will deliver weapons to Kurdish forces in Iraq fighting the Islamic State. Interior Minister Cazeneuve said nearly 900 French citizens have traveled to Iraq or Syria to fight, and that some of them have joined the Islamic State.


Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF) militants conducted simultaneous attacks against security forces in Datu Piang in Maguindanao. Authorities looked into reports that a German couple kidnapped by Abu Sayyaf may be captive on a southern island. Captured Abu Sayyaf commander Khair Mundos has told authorities that he met last year in Maguindanao with Marwan a.k.a. […]

United States

Defense Secretary Hagel said 130 more US military assessment team members were sent to northern Iraq today; there are currently 250 US military advisers already in Iraq, along with 450 security forces, and 100 troops guarding the US Embassy in Baghdad. A Pentagon official said the US is conducting 50-60 sorties a day in Iraq […]


The head of Lebanese armed forces said the Islamic State had tried to set up a bridgehead in Arsal from which to attack Shiite areas and engulf the country in sectarian strife. French sources said that Saudi Arabian red tape has delayed the shipment of arms from France to Lebanon. The British ambassador conveyed the […]


Pentagon Says Airstrikes Have Slowed but Not Stopped Sunni Militants


Jordanian Salafist leader Mohammad al Shalabi a.k.a. Abu Sayyaf has indicated his support for the Islamic State, and said efforts are being made to resolve the differences between the IS and the Al Nusrah Front. Over the past two weeks, Jordanian authorities have arrested 20 Jordanian Salafists in Amman and Zarqa who are suspected of […]


Army Commander General Jean Qahwaji said the military’s recent intervention in Arsal “saved Lebanon from a deadly sectarian rift,” and said his priority now was ensuring the return of some 35 security forces abducted by Islamist militants. Palestinian ambassador Ashraf Dabbour claimed that Islamic State militants are not present in the Palestinian refugee camps in […]


Power struggle on Baghdad streets as Maliki replaced but refuses to go

Saudi Arabia

A court sentenced four Saudi men to jail terms ranging from four months to nearly three years for traveling or attempting to travel to Syria to join terrorist groups; at least some of them were also found guilty of facilitating the travel of jihadist fighters to the conflict zones. Saudi officials are planning to develop […]


French forces dropped up to five bombs in the Essakane region west of Timbuktu yesterday, targeting al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb positions. President Keita said last week that he is committed to preventing the emergence of a caliphate in Mali.


Police carried out some 60 raids across the country in a crackdown on Islamic extremists, arresting 40 men suspected of either fighting for, or supporting, the Islamic State or the Al Nusrah Front. Makeshift mosques were raided and weapons, ammunition, electronic equipment, and explosives were confiscated.